riskCalc: Risk Calculation System - MATH G4082 Project

Description Details Author(s)


The riskCalc package provides a risk calculation system that is able to

  1. compute Monte Carlo, historical, and parametric VaR for a portfolio of stock and option positions;

  2. both calibrate to historical data and take parameters as input;

  3. backtest the computed VaR against history.

This package is a part of the course project for MATH G4082.


Package: riskCalc
Type: Package
Version: 0.1-1
Date: 2015-11-22
License: GPL (>=2)

This package is a risk calculation system that consists of three layers of operations. The first (bottom) layer includes functions stocks, addOptions, portfolio which creates structured data objects. The second (mid) layer includes a generic function GBM which performs model calibration / specification. The third (top) layer includes functions VaR and backtest which performs VaR calculation and backtesting based on calibrated or uncalibrated data.


Kaidong Zhang kz2236@columbia.edu, Weicong Wang tyrael0825@gmail.com, Chenxing Ouyang co2341@columbia.edu

Maintainer: Kaidong Zhang kz2236@columbia.edu

zhangkd5/riskCalc documentation built on May 4, 2019, 10:16 p.m.