sync: Qing file sync

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


Sync files/directories to/from Qing


Qingsync(files = dir(recursive = TRUE), bucket, ...)



A character vector specifying relative paths to files to be synchronized. The default is all files in the working directory and subdirectories.


Character string with the name of the bucket.


Additional arguments passed to QingHTTP.


Qingsync synchronizes specified files to an Qing bucket. This works best if a local directory (and its subdirectories) correspond directly to the contents of an Qing bucket. If the bucket does not exist, it is created. Similarly, if local directories do not exist (corresponding to leading portions of object keys), they are created, recursively. Object keys are generated based on files and local files are named (and organized into directories) based on object keys. A slash is interpreted as a directory level. Local objects are copied to Qing and Qing objects are copied locally. This copying is performed conditionally. Objects existing locally but not in Qing are uploaded using put_object. Objects existing in Qing but not locally, are saved using save_object. If objects exist in both places, the MD5 checksum for each is compared; when identical, no copying is performed. If the checksums differ, local files are replaced with the bucket version if the local file is older and the Qing object is replaced if the local file is newer. If checksums differ but modified times match (which seems unlikely), a warning is issued.


A logical.

See Also

get_bucket, put_object, , save_object

zhangxing-love/QingStorRSDK_0.1 documentation built on May 4, 2019, 10:17 p.m.