
title: "Sample analysis of a RNA-seq data set" author: "Jim Zhang" date: "2016-03-28" output: html_document: toc: yes fig_caption: yes

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plot of chunk read_count_dist

Figure 1: Distribution of total read count per sample. The total read counts were calculated by summing the read count of all genes. Highly inconsistent read counts between samples might suggest data quality issues and affect downstream analysis. For example, extremely low read count could be caused by insufficient RNA material due to degradation or high sequencing error rate. Shapiro-Wilk normality test shows that the total read counts of this data set is not normally distributed (p = 0.003634).

plot of chunk gene_count_pct

Figure 2: Unbalanced read counts across genes. Due to difference in RNA abundance and gene length, most of the squencing reads were contributed by a small portion of all genes. For example, more than 90% of the reads in this data set were contributed by 22.21% of the genes. Additionally,

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Sample classification

For all analyses in this section, between-sample normalization was first done by converting read counts of genes to FPKM (fragments per kilobase per million reads).

Gender prediction

plot of chunk gender_prediction

Hierarchical clustering

plot of chunk clustering

Principal components analysis

plot of chunk pca

Figure 4: PCA plot.

Same PCA plot color-coded by different sample attributes: - Subject, - Clone, - Gender, - CdLS

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Per sample statistics

Click here to veiw full table.


zhezhangsh/Rnaseq documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:20 p.m.