knitr::opts_chunk$set(dpi=300, fig.pos="H", fig.width=8, fig.height=6, dev=c('png', 'pdf'), echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE);


# Loading inputs from yaml file
#yml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(fn.yaml);  
# writeLines(yaml::as.yaml(yml), '/nas/is1/zhangz/projects/simmons/2016-02_RNAseq/star/SummarizeStar.yml')
fn.log<-sapply(yml$file, function(f) f$log);

lns<-paste('  -', names(opt), '=', as.vector(opt));
lns<-paste(lns, collapse='\n'); 
parseLog<-function(fn) {
  lns<-scan(fn, what='', sep='\n', flush=TRUE); 
  lns<-c('GLOBAL', lns);
  prs<-strsplit(lns, '\\|');
  prs<-lapply(prs, function(x) sub('^[ :\t]+', '', x));
  prs<-lapply(prs, function(x) sub('[ :\t]+$', '', x));
  prs<-lapply(prs, function(x) x[x!='']);
  prs<-prs[sapply(prs, length)>0];
  n<-sapply(prs, length);
  ind<-c(ind, length(prs)+1);
  grp<-lapply(1:(length(ind)-1), function(i) prs[(ind[i]+1):(ind[i+1]-1)]); 
  grp<-lapply(grp, function(x) {
    y<-sapply(x, function(x) x[2]);
    names(y)<-sapply(x, function(x) x[1]);

parseLogs<-function(fns) {
  logs<-lapply(fns, parseLog); 

  # run summary
  t1<-t(sapply(logs, function(log) log[[1]][c(2, 3, 4, 6, 5)]));
  t1<-data.frame(t1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
  for (i in 3:5) t1[[i]]<-format(as.numeric(t1[[i]]), big.mark=','); 
  names(t1)<-c('Mapping_star', 'Mapping_end', 'Speed', 'Read_length', 'Number_reads');

  # read count
  t3<-t2<-t(sapply(logs, function(log) as.numeric(c(log[[1]][5], log[[2]][1], log[[2]][4], log[[3]][1], log[[5]][1])))); 
  t2<-apply(t2, 2, function(x) format(x, big.mark=','));
  colnames(t2)<-c('Input', 'Unique', 'Splice', 'Multiple', 'Chimeric'); 

  # percentage
  t3<-apply(t3, 2, function(x) round(100*x/t3[, 1], 2));

  # splice site
  t4<-t(sapply(logs, function(log) as.numeric(log[[2]][c(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)]))); 
  t4<-apply(t4, 2, function(x) format(x, big.mark=','));
  colnames(t4)<-c('Total', 'Annotated', 'GT/AG', 'GC/AG', 'AT/AC', 'Non-canonical'); 

  # mismatch and indels
  t5<-t(sapply(logs, function(log) log[[2]][c(10, 11, 13, 12, 14)])); 
  colnames(t5)<-c('Mismatch_rate', 'Deletion_rate', 'Insertion_rate', 'Avg_deletion_length', 'Avg_insertion_length');

  # unmapped and outliers
  t6<-t(sapply(logs, function(log) c(log[[3]][4], log[[4]]))); 
  colnames(t6)<-c('Too_many_loci', 'Too_many_mismatch', 'Too_short', 'Other'); 

  list(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6);

tbls<-lapply(tbls, as.matrix); 
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This report is a summary of STAR runs on a RNA-seq data set. It uses information provided by the * file generated from each STAR run.

STAR Parameters:

r lns

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Summary statistics

  "Total input, million reads" = round(as.numeric(gsub(',', '', tbls[[1]][, 5]))/10^6, 2),
  "Alignment rate (%), unique mapping" = tbls[[3]][, 2], 
  "Alignment rate (%), unique + multiple" = tbls[[3]][, 2] + tbls[[3]][, 4], 
  "Mismatch rate (%)" = as.numeric(sub('%', '', tbls[[5]][, 1])),
  "Deletion rate (%)" = as.numeric(sub('%', '', tbls[[5]][, 2])),
  "Insertion rate (%)" = as.numeric(sub('%', '', tbls[[5]][, 3])),
  "Too many loci (%)" = as.numeric(sub('%', '', tbls[[6]][, 1])),
  "Too many mismatch (%)" = as.numeric(sub('%', '', tbls[[6]][, 2])),
  "Too short (%)" = as.numeric(sub('%', '', tbls[[6]][, 3]))
smm<-apply(stat, 2, summary); 

r kable(t(smm))

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Alignment rate

Total input vs. uniquely aligned, read count

x<-as.numeric(gsub(',', '', tbls[[2]][,1]))/10^6;
y<-as.numeric(gsub(',', '', tbls[[2]][,2]))/10^6;
plot(x, y, col='#88888888', pch=19, cex=2, xlab='Total input (million)', ylab='Uniquely mapped (million)', cex.lab=2); 
abline(lm(y~x), col='blue', lty=2);

Unique vs. multiple mapping

Unique vs. multiple mapping, percentage

x<-tbls[[3]][, 2];
y<-tbls[[3]][, 4]
plot(x, y, col='#88888888', pch=19, cex=2, xlab='Unique mapping (%)', ylab='Multiple mapping (%)', cex.lab=2); 

Non-canonical splice sites

Number of non-canonical splice sites identified from each library

ct<-tbls[[4]][, 'Non-canonical'];
ct<-as.numeric(gsub(',', '', ct));
barplot(ct/1000, las=3, names.arg=names(yml$file), ylab='Reads mapped to non-canonical splice sites (thousand)', cex.lab=1.25); 

Mismatches and INDELs

Percentage of mismatches and INDELs

x<-apply(tbls[[5]][, 3:1], 2, function(x) as.numeric(gsub('%', '', x)));
barplot(t(x), las=3, names.arg=names(yml$file), ylab='Percentage of total reads (%)', cex.lab=1.5, legend=sub('_rate', '', colnames(x))); 


Outlier reads: mapped to too many loci, too many mismatches, too short, and others

x<-apply(tbls[[6]], 2, function(x) as.numeric(gsub('%', '', x)));
x<-x[, ncol(x):1];
barplot(t(x), las=3, names.arg=names(yml$file), ylab='Percentage of total reads (%)', cex.lab=1.5, legend=colnames(x)); 
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Run information

r kable(as.matrix(tbls[[1]]), align=rep('c', ncol(tbls[[1]])))

Mapping results

Mapped reads, count

r kable(as.matrix(tbls[[2]]), align=rep('c', ncol(tbls[[2]])))

Mapped reads, percentage

r kable(as.matrix(tbls[[3]]), align=rep('c', ncol(tbls[[3]])))

Splice sites, count

r kable(as.matrix(tbls[[4]]), align=rep('c', ncol(tbls[[4]])))

Mismatches and INDELs

r kable(as.matrix(tbls[[5]]), align=rep('c', ncol(tbls[[5]])))


r kable(as.matrix(tbls[[6]]), align=rep('c', ncol(tbls[[6]])))

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zhezhangsh/Rnaseq documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:20 p.m.