**RNA-seq 2G** is a web portal with >20 statistical methods that perform two-group analysis of differential gene expression. It uses read count data from RNA-seq or similar data matrix as input and generates test statistics in consistent format as output.


Two-group comparison of differential expression (DE) is the most common analysis of transcriptome data. For RNA-seq data, the comparison is usually performed on a gene-level matrix of read counts, with the read counts corresponding to the number of sequencing reads mapped to each gene in each RNA-seq sample.

Statistical methods that have been applied to two-group DE of RNA-seq data are widely different in terms of their assumptions on data distribution, input/output format, performance, sensitivity, and user-friendliness, which are summarized in the table below:


tbl <- data.frame(Name=DeMethodMeta[[1]], Call=rownames(DeMethodMeta), DeMethodMeta[, 2:9], stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
tbl[[1]] <- AddHref(tbl[[1]], DeMethodMeta$Link); 
**Table 1** Analysis methods for differential expression.
`r kable(tbl, row.names=FALSE, format='markdown')`

Run DE analysis

Prepare for the analysis

Read count matrix

Grouping samples

Other parameters

Run DE analysis online

Run DE analysis offline

Browse DE results

Test statistics


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