zhouzilu/DENDRO: Dna based EvolutioNary tree preDiction by scRna-seq technOlogy

We propose DENDRO, a statistical framework takes scRNA-seq data for a tumor and accurately reconstructs its phylogeny, assigning each single cell from the scRNA-seq data to a subclone. Our approach allows us to (1) cluster cells based on genomic profiles while accounting for transcriptional bursting, technical dropout and sequencing error, as benchmarked on in silico mixture and a spike-in analysis, (2) make robust mutation profile inference in subclonal resolution, and (3) perform DNA-RNA joint analysis with same set of cells and examine the relationship between transcriptomic variation and mutation profile. In addition,

Getting started

Package details

AuthorZilu Zhou, Nancy R. Zhang
MaintainerZilu Zhou <zhouzilu@pennmedicine.upenn.edu>
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
zhouzilu/DENDRO documentation built on May 21, 2020, 8 p.m.