
Due to the limitation of Markdown engine on Github, equations and outputs cannot be displayed. A full version of this document can be viewed here.


Rerr is a package that fits excess relative risk (ERR) models in survival analysis, while allowing for measurement error in exposures, with or without effect modifications. They are widely used in Radiation epidemiology.

Currently this package only allow one of the exposure variables to be measured with error. This document will walk you through the package from installation to analysis of a simple survival dataset, simulated also through the package.


The package can be downloaded from Github at here. After unzipping the downloaded file, assume the full path to the folder of the package is path_to_foler. Then type the following command in R console to install the package (replace path_to_folder with the real path):

```{r eval=FALSE} install.packages(path_to_folder, repos=NULL, type="source")

After installation, a full version of this document with outputs and
mathematical notations can also be found in `R` by running

Quick Start

Model specification

The package allows user to specify the ERR model using formula object in R. The simulation example provided in this document is based on a hypothetical ERR model, formulated as follows (ommiting the paramters)

h(t) = exp(1 + log^2(age/40) + sex)(1 + x1 exp(sex) + x2)

where x1, x2 are some time-dependent or time-independent exposure variables. The corresponding formula specification is

```{r eval=FALSE} case ~ I(log(age/60)^2) + sex + ERR( U(x1) | sex) + ERR(x2) + offset(pt)

As can be seen, 

*  variables associated with baseline risks are specified as in
   regular linear regressions;
*  the relative risk part associated with `x1`, `x2` are enclosed by
*  dose effect modifiers, if any, are separated from exposure by `|`;
*  the exposure variable that is associated with measurement error is
   further enclosed by `U()`;

There are two more variables introduced in the model specification,
`case` and `offset(pt)`. `offset(pt)` specify that `pt` will
represents the amount of person-time in each period, and `case`
represents the outcome indicator variable.  These two variables are
standard variables used in Poisson table used to analyze survival
data.  For details, refer to Holford 1980, Laird and Olivier 1981.

### Data preparation

Now we simulate a cohort consists of 5,000 people.  For simplicity we
assume that each person is followed for 10 years.


n <- 5000                              # size of the cohort
n.year <- 10                           # years of follow-up
n.rep <- 400                           # number of dose realizations to generate
id <- rep(1:n, each = n.year)          # id for py table
start.age <- sample(20:50, n, TRUE)    # age of enrollment of each person
age <- unlist(lapply(start.age, function(x)
    x + 1:n.year - 1))                 # age for py table
sex <- rep(rbinom(n, 1, 0.5),
           each = n.year)              # sex for py table
time <- rep(1:n.year - 1, n)           # time variable for py table
censor.time <- rep(n.year, n * n.year) # censor time for py table
x1 <- rchisq(n * n.year, 1)            # exposure 1 for py table
x2 <- rchisq(n * n.year, 1)            # exposure 2 for py table

To generate a Monte Carlo dosimetry system (MCDS), we use the SUMA model proposed by Stram and Kopecky 2003, with only multiplicative errors. We assume the variance is 0.2 for shared error and 0.5 for unshared errors. Here we generated 400 dose replications, as defined by n.rep.

sm.var <- 0.2                # variance of shared multiplicative error <- log(1 + sm.var) # standard error on log scale <- - 1/2 * sm.var  # mean on log scale
um.var <- 0.5                # variance of unshared multiplicative error <- log(1 + um.var) # standard error on log scale <- - 1/2 * um.var  # mean on log scale
x1.reps <-, lapply(1:n.rep, function(i) {
    x1 * exp(rnorm(1,, *
        exp(rnorm(n * n.year,,}))

We use the first dose replication for x1 as the true dose for simulation of the survival data.

rep.index <- 1:n.rep
rep.index <- rep.index[-1]
x1.mean <- apply(x1.reps[, rep.index], 1, mean)
data <- data.frame(sex = sex,
                   age = age,
                   x1 = x1.reps[, 1],
                   x2 = x2,
                   id = id,
                   time = time,
                   censor.time = censor.time)
data[1:10, ]

Shown above is the structure of the data.frame object constructed for the survival data simulation.

Simulation and Inference

We use function simulateERR to generate the outcome data using the specified ERR model. We also specified the parameters for the model, following the order of the variables in the formula object for the model.

model <- case ~ I(log(age/40)^2) + sex +
    ERR(U(x1) | sex) + ERR(x2) +
theta <- c(-5, log(2), 1, 2, 0.5, 1) <- simulateERR(model, data, theta,
                        id = id,
                        time = time,
                        censor.time = censor.time) <- sum($case)[1:10,]

We can see that there are r cases. There is a index column in the generated data.frame object, This column indexes the rows of the original data that are kept. The reason of having such column is whenever an event occurs, the hypothetical exposure in the 'future' should not exist. This column is necessary for aligning the dose replications to the generated data.frame.

We fit the model using the average dose in the remaining dose replications, and then calculate the confidence intervals of the parameters. We use three functions, parseERR, fitERR, and inferERR.$x1 <- x1.mean[$index]
data.err <- parseERR(model,
xm <- fitERR(data.err)
theta.CI <- inferERR(data.err, xm$theta,
                     x1.reps[$index, rep.index],
                     naive = TRUE)

This concludes a simple simulation. As we can see here, the naive confidence interval is narrower for x1 since it does not account for the variance introduced by shared error component in x1.

zhuozhang/Rerr documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:22 p.m.