Man pages for zijianni/SpotClean
SpotClean adjusts for spot swapping in spatial transcriptomics data

ARCScoreCalculate the ambient RNA contamination (ARC) score
ConvertToSeuratConvert slide object to Seurat object
CreateSlideCreate a new slide object
KeepHighGeneFilter and return highly expressed or highly variable genes
mbrain_rawExample 10x Visium spatial data: raw count matrix
Read10xRead 10x Space Ranger output data
SpotCleanDecontaminate spot swapping effect in spatial transcriptomics...
SpotClean-packageSpotClean: a computational method to adjust for spot swapping...
VisualizeHeatmapVisualize spot values on the 2D slide
VisualizeLabelVisualize spot labels on the 2D slide
VisualizeSlideVisualize the Visium slide image
zijianni/SpotClean documentation built on June 12, 2024, 1:58 a.m.