
This is a package to create a DESCRIPTION file for your project that lists specific dependencies and versions of packages needed for analysis. Yes, packages like packrat exist, but I've found it to be a bit cumbersome. With a DESCRIPTION file, it's possible to list the packages you need for an analysis and install them with devtools.

Update: Of course, the feature-rich package desc already exists for this purpose AND it can be installed without needing the user to install devtools. That being said, it assumes you have an R package and panicks if you don't.

Project Status: WIP - Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. Travis-CI Build Status


To install diaper, you should use the devtools package:

if (!requireNamespace("devtools")) install.packages("devtools", repos = "")

Making Your DESCRIPTION file

Here's an example of creating a DESCRIPTION file using the RClone and dplyr packages.

First, you use add() to add dependiencies to your DESCRIPTION file. If the file doesn't exist, it will simply be created.

tmp <- tempdir() # when using this for your own project, simply keep this as
                 # your current directory
diaper::add(c("RClone (>= 1.0.2)", "dplyr (>= 0.5.0)"), 
            field = "Imports", 
            file = file.path(tmp, "DESCRIPTION"), 
            name = "RCanalysis")
#> Package: RCanalysis
#> Title:
#> Version:
#> Author: Me
#> Description: An analysis of...
#> Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
#> License: Choose your license
#> Encoding: UTF-8
#> LazyData: true
#> Imports: RClone (>= 1.0.2), dplyr (>= 0.5.0)

By default, it will show us what WILL be created. To create/overwrite our new DESCRIPTION file, use write = TRUE.

diaper::add(c("RClone (>= 1.0.2)", "dplyr (>= 0.5.0)"), 
            field = "Imports", 
            file = file.path(tmp, "DESCRIPTION"), 
            name = "RCanalysis",
            write = TRUE)
# View the file that we just created
write.dcf(read.dcf(file.path(tmp, "DESCRIPTION")))
#> Package: RCanalysis
#> Title:
#> Version:
#> Author: Me
#> Description: An analysis of...
#> Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
#> License: Choose your license
#> Encoding: UTF-8
#> LazyData: true
#> Imports: RClone (>= 1.0.2), dplyr (>= 0.5.0)

Now with devtools, we can install the package!

#> Installing RCanalysis
#> Installing dplyr
#> Installing Rcpp
#> '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R' --no-site-file  \
#>   --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet CMD INSTALL  \
#>   '/private/var/folders/qd/dpdhfsz12wb3c7wz0xdm6dbm0000gn/T/Rtmpv0sMq4/devtools174c87b4b9393/Rcpp'  \
#>   --library='/Users/zhian/R' --install-tests
#> '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R' --no-site-file  \
#>   --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet CMD INSTALL  \
#>   '/private/var/folders/qd/dpdhfsz12wb3c7wz0xdm6dbm0000gn/T/Rtmpv0sMq4/devtools174c87b8130f7/dplyr'  \
#>   --library='/Users/zhian/R' --install-tests
#> Installing RClone
#> '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R' --no-site-file  \
#>   --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet CMD INSTALL  \
#>   '/private/var/folders/qd/dpdhfsz12wb3c7wz0xdm6dbm0000gn/T/Rtmpv0sMq4/devtools174c8457576d5/RClone'  \
#>   --library='/Users/zhian/R' --install-tests
#> '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R' --no-site-file  \
#>   --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet CMD INSTALL  \
#>   '/private/var/folders/qd/dpdhfsz12wb3c7wz0xdm6dbm0000gn/T/Rtmpv0sMq4'  \
#>   --library='/Users/zhian/R' --install-tests

We can also update fields such as the default version of R. Note that we don't need the name parameter here, because the file already exists.

diaper::add("R (>= 3.2.0)",
            field = "Depends",
            file = file.path(tmp, "DESCRIPTION"),
            write = TRUE)
write.dcf(read.dcf(file.path(tmp, "DESCRIPTION")))
#> Package: RCanalysis
#> Title:
#> Version:
#> Author: Me
#> Description: An analysis of...
#> Depends: R (>= 3.2.0)
#> License: Choose your license
#> Encoding: UTF-8
#> LazyData: true
#> Imports: RClone (>= 1.0.2), dplyr (>= 0.5.0)


This may be the only iteration of the package, but if there is interest, it could be made more user-friendly with the following:

zkamvar/diaper documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:04 a.m.