monilinia: Peach brown rot pathogen _Monilinia fructicola_

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This is clone-censored microsatellite data for a population of the haploid plant pathogen Monilinia fructicola that causes disease within peach tree canopies (Everhart & Scherm, 2014). Entire populations within trees were sampled across 3 years (2009, 2010, and 2011) in a total of four trees, where one tree was sampled in all three years, for a total of 6 within-tree populations. Within each year, samples in the spring were taken from affected blossoms (termed "BB" for blossom blight) and in late summer from affected fruits (termed "FR" for fruit rot). From a total of 694 isolates, this data set represents 264 unique genotypes characterized uzing a set of 13 microsatellite markers comprised of 95 alleles.




an integer matrix where rows represent individual samples and columns represent alleles at different loci where the locus name and fragment size are separated by a period.


SE Everhart, H Scherm, (2015) Fine-scale genetic structure of Monilinia fructicola during brown rot epidemics within individual peach tree canopies. Phytopathology 105:542-549 doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-03-14-0088-R



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