marjRab: Survival data from Marj Rabba, using Payne's (1973) age...

Description Author(s) References


Survival data from Marj Rabba, using Payne's (1973) age classes


M.D. Price, M. Buckley, Y.M. Rowan, and M. Kersel


Payne, S. 1973 Kill - off Patterns in Sheep and Goats: The Mandibles from Asvan Kale. Anatolian Studies 23:281 - 303.

Price, M.D., Buckley, M., Rowan, Y.M., Kersel, M., 2013. Animal Management Strategies during the Chalcolithic in the Lower Galilee: New Data from Marj Rabba, Paleorient 39, 183 - 200.

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