
Defines functions toPortuguese toChinese toRussian toJapanese toSpanish toItalian toFrench toGerman toEnglish

Documented in toChinese toEnglish toFrench toGerman toItalian toJapanese toPortuguese toRussian toSpanish

#' Translate texts into English using DeepL API Pro
#' \code{toEnglish} translates a text from an available language into English
#'     using DeepL API Pro. Use \code{available_languages} to list all supported languages.
#'     An authentication key is required to use this service.
#'     The service costs depending on the number of translated characters.
#' @param text character vector to be translated. Only UTF8-encoded plain text is supported.
#'     An element can contain several sentences, but should not exceed 30kbytes.
#' @param source_lang language of the text to be translated. If parameter \code{is.null},
#'     the API guesses the language of the source. If input is of length 1, the same source
#'     language is applied to all elements.
#' @param split_sentences if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine splits the input into sentences.
#'     If only one sentence is translated, it is recommended to set to \code{FALSE} to prevent
#'     the engine from unintentionally splitting the sentence.
#' @param preserve_formatting if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine tries to preserve some aspects
#'     (e.g. punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence, upper/lower case at the beginning
#'     of the sentence) of the formatting.
#' @param get_detect if \code{TRUE}, the language detected for the source text is included in
#'     the response.
#' @param auth_key Authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @return If \code{get_detect} is set to \code{FALSE} a \code{character vector} containing the
#'    translation is returned. Otherwise, a (\code{tibble}) is returned with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{translation} the translated text.
#' \item \code{source_lang} detected or specified language of the input text.
#' }
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Translate a single text
#' toEnglish("Hallo Welt!", auth_key = "my_key")
#' # Translate multiple texts and return the detected language
#' texts <- c("Me llamo Fred.", "Je suis médecin.", "Ich komme aus der Schweiz.")
#' toEnglish(texts, get_detect = T, auth_key = "x")
#' }
toEnglish <- function(text, source_lang = NULL, split_sentences = TRUE, preserve_formatting = FALSE,
                      get_detect = FALSE, auth_key = "your_key") {

  translate(text = text, target_lang = "EN", source_lang = source_lang, split_sentences = split_sentences,
            preserve_formatting = preserve_formatting, get_detect = get_detect, auth_key = auth_key)


#' Translate texts into German using DeepL API Pro
#' \code{toGerman} translates a text from an available language into German
#'     using DeepL API Pro. Use \code{available_languages} to list all supported languages.
#'     An authentication key is required to use this service.
#'     The service costs depending on the number of translated characters.
#' @param text character vector to be translated. Only UTF8-encoded plain text is supported.
#'     An element can contain several sentences, but should not exceed 30kbytes.
#' @param source_lang language of the text to be translated. If parameter \code{is.null},
#'     the API guesses the language of the source. If input is of length 1, the same source
#'     language is applied to all elements.
#' @param split_sentences if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine splits the input into sentences.
#'     If only one sentence is translated, it is recommended to set to \code{FALSE} to prevent
#'     the engine from unintentionally splitting the sentence.
#' @param preserve_formatting if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine tries to preserve some aspects
#'     (e.g. punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence, upper/lower case at the beginning
#'     of the sentence) of the formatting.
#' @param get_detect if \code{TRUE}, the language detected for the source text is included in
#'     the response.
#' @param auth_key Authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @return If \code{get_detect} is set to \code{FALSE} a \code{character vector} containing the
#'    translation is returned. Otherwise, a (\code{tibble}) is returned with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{translation} the translated text.
#' \item \code{source_lang} detected or specified language of the input text.
#' }
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Translate a single text
#' toGerman("Hello world!", auth_key = "my_key")
#' # Translate multiple texts and return the detected language
#' texts <- c("Me llamo Fred.", "Je suis médecin.", "I'm from Brisbane.")
#' toGerman(texts, get_detect = T, auth_key = "x")
#' }
toGerman <- function(text, source_lang = NULL, split_sentences = TRUE, preserve_formatting = FALSE,
                      get_detect = FALSE, auth_key = "your_key") {

  translate(text = text, target_lang = "DE", source_lang = source_lang, split_sentences = split_sentences,
            preserve_formatting = preserve_formatting, get_detect = get_detect, auth_key = auth_key)


#' Translate texts into French using DeepL API Pro
#' \code{toFrench} translates a text from an available language into French
#'     using DeepL API Pro. Use \code{available_languages} to list all supported languages.
#'     An authentication key is required to use this service.
#'     The service costs depending on the number of translated characters.
#' @param text character vector to be translated. Only UTF8-encoded plain text is supported.
#'     An element can contain several sentences, but should not exceed 30kbytes.
#' @param source_lang language of the text to be translated. If parameter \code{is.null},
#'     the API guesses the language of the source. If input is of length 1, the same source
#'     language is applied to all elements.
#' @param split_sentences if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine splits the input into sentences.
#'     If only one sentence is translated, it is recommended to set to \code{FALSE} to prevent
#'     the engine from unintentionally splitting the sentence.
#' @param preserve_formatting if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine tries to preserve some aspects
#'     (e.g. punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence, upper/lower case at the beginning
#'     of the sentence) of the formatting.
#' @param get_detect if \code{TRUE}, the language detected for the source text is included in
#'     the response.
#' @param auth_key Authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @return If \code{get_detect} is set to \code{FALSE} a \code{character vector} containing the
#'    translation is returned. Otherwise, a (\code{tibble}) is returned with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{translation} the translated text.
#' \item \code{source_lang} detected or specified language of the input text.
#' }
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Translate a single text
#' toFrench("Hallo Welt!", auth_key = "my_key")
#' # Translate multiple texts and return the detected language
#' texts <- c("Me llamo Fred.", "I'm a doctor.", "Ich komme aus der Schweiz.")
#' toFrench(texts, get_detect = T, auth_key = "x")
#' }
toFrench <- function(text, source_lang = NULL, split_sentences = TRUE, preserve_formatting = FALSE,
                      get_detect = FALSE, auth_key = "your_key") {

  translate(text = text, target_lang = "FR", source_lang = source_lang, split_sentences = split_sentences,
            preserve_formatting = preserve_formatting, get_detect = get_detect, auth_key = auth_key)


#' Translate texts into Italian using DeepL API Pro
#' \code{toItalian} translates a text from an available language into Italian
#'     using DeepL API Pro. Use \code{available_languages} to list all supported languages.
#'     An authentication key is required to use this service.
#'     The service costs depending on the number of translated characters.
#' @param text character vector to be translated. Only UTF8-encoded plain text is supported.
#'     An element can contain several sentences, but should not exceed 30kbytes.
#' @param source_lang language of the text to be translated. If parameter \code{is.null}, the API
#'     guesses the language of the source. If input is of length 1, the same source language is
#'     applied to all elements.
#' @param split_sentences if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine splits the input into sentences.
#'     If only one sentence is translated, it is recommended to set to \code{FALSE} to prevent
#'     the engine from unintentionally splitting the sentence.
#' @param preserve_formatting if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine tries to preserve some aspects
#'     (e.g. punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence, upper/lower case at the beginning
#'     of the sentence) of the formatting.
#' @param get_detect if \code{TRUE}, the language detected for the source text is included in
#'     the response.
#' @param auth_key Authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @return If \code{get_detect} is set to \code{FALSE} a \code{character vector} containing the
#'    translation is returned. Otherwise, a (\code{tibble}) is returned with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{translation} the translated text.
#' \item \code{source_lang} detected or specified language of the input text.
#' }
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Translate a single text
#' toItalian("Hallo Welt!", auth_key = "my_key")
#' # Translate multiple texts and return the detected language
#' texts <- c("Me llamo Fred.", "Je suis médecin.", "Ich komme aus der Schweiz.")
#' toItalian(texts, get_detect = T, auth_key = "x")
#' }
toItalian <- function(text, source_lang = NULL, split_sentences = TRUE, preserve_formatting = FALSE,
                      get_detect = FALSE, auth_key = "your_key") {

  translate(text = text, target_lang = "IT", source_lang = source_lang, split_sentences = split_sentences,
            preserve_formatting = preserve_formatting, get_detect = get_detect, auth_key = auth_key)


#' Translate texts into Spanish using DeepL API Pro
#' \code{toSpanish} translates a text from an available language into Spanish
#'     using DeepL API Pro. Use \code{available_languages} to list all supported languages.
#'     An authentication key is required to use this service.
#'     The service costs depending on the number of translated characters.
#' @param text character vector to be translated. Only UTF8-encoded plain text is supported.
#'     An element can contain several sentences, but should not exceed 30kbytes.
#' @param source_lang language of the text to be translated. If parameter \code{is.null},
#'     the API guesses the language of the source. If input is of length 1, the same source
#'     language is applied to all elements.
#' @param split_sentences if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine splits the input into sentences.
#'     If only one sentence is translated, it is recommended to set to \code{FALSE} to prevent
#'     the engine from unintentionally splitting the sentence.
#' @param preserve_formatting if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine tries to preserve some aspects
#'     (e.g. punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence, upper/lower case at the beginning
#'     of the sentence) of the formatting.
#' @param get_detect if \code{TRUE}, the language detected for the source text is included in
#'     the response.
#' @param auth_key Authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @return If \code{get_detect} is set to \code{FALSE} a \code{character vector} containing the
#'    translation is returned. Otherwise, a (\code{tibble}) is returned with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{translation} the translated text.
#' \item \code{source_lang} detected or specified language of the input text.
#' }
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Translate a single text
#' toSpanish("Hallo Welt!", auth_key = "my_key")
#' # Translate multiple texts and return the detected language
#' texts <- c("My name is Fred.", "Je suis médecin.", "Ich komme aus der Schweiz.")
#' toSpanish(texts, get_detect = T, auth_key = "x")
#' }
toSpanish <- function(text, source_lang = NULL, split_sentences = TRUE, preserve_formatting = FALSE,
                      get_detect = FALSE, auth_key = "your_key") {

  translate(text = text, target_lang = "ES", source_lang = source_lang, split_sentences = split_sentences,
            preserve_formatting = preserve_formatting, get_detect = get_detect, auth_key = auth_key)


#' Translate texts into Japanese using DeepL API Pro
#' \code{toJapanese} translates a text from an available language into Japanese
#'     using DeepL API Pro. Use \code{available_languages} to list all supported languages.
#'     An authentication key is required to use this service.
#'     The service costs depending on the number of translated characters.
#' @param text character vector to be translated. Only UTF8-encoded plain text is supported.
#'     An element can contain several sentences, but should not exceed 30kbytes.
#' @param source_lang language of the text to be translated. If parameter \code{is.null}, the API
#'     guesses the language of the source. If input is of length 1, the same source language is
#'     applied to all elements.
#' @param split_sentences if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine splits the input into sentences.
#'     If only one sentence is translated, it is recommended to set to \code{FALSE} to prevent
#'     the engine from unintentionally splitting the sentence.
#' @param preserve_formatting if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine tries to preserve some aspects
#'     (e.g. punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence, upper/lower case at the beginning
#'     of the sentence) of the formatting.
#' @param get_detect if \code{TRUE}, the language detected for the source text is included in
#'     the response.
#' @param auth_key Authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @return If \code{get_detect} is set to \code{FALSE} a \code{character vector} containing the
#'    translation is returned. Otherwise, a (\code{tibble}) is returned with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{translation} the translated text.
#' \item \code{source_lang} detected or specified language of the input text.
#' }
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Translate a single text
#' toJapanese("Hallo Welt!", auth_key = "my_key")
#' # Translate multiple texts and return the detected language
#' texts <- c("My name is Fred.", "Je suis médecin.", "Ich komme aus der Schweiz.")
#' toJapanese(texts, get_detect = T, auth_key = "x")
#' }
toJapanese <- function(text, source_lang = NULL, split_sentences = TRUE, preserve_formatting = FALSE,
                      get_detect = FALSE, auth_key = "your_key") {

  translate(text = text, target_lang = "JA", source_lang = source_lang, split_sentences = split_sentences,
            preserve_formatting = preserve_formatting, get_detect = get_detect, auth_key = auth_key)


#' Translate texts into Russian using DeepL API Pro
#' \code{toRussian} translates a text from an available language into Russian
#'     using DeepL API Pro. Use \code{available_languages} to list all supported languages.
#'     An authentication key is required to use this service.
#'     The service costs depending on the number of translated characters.
#' @param text character vector to be translated. Only UTF8-encoded plain text is supported.
#'     An element can contain several sentences, but should not exceed 30kbytes.
#' @param source_lang language of the text to be translated. If parameter \code{is.null},
#'     the API guesses the language of the source. If input is of length 1, the same source
#'     language is applied to all elements.
#' @param split_sentences if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine splits the input into sentences.
#'     If only one sentence is translated, it is recommended to set to \code{FALSE} to prevent
#'     the engine from unintentionally splitting the sentence.
#' @param preserve_formatting if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine tries to preserve some aspects
#'     (e.g. punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence, upper/lower case at the beginning
#'     of the sentence) of the formatting.
#' @param get_detect if \code{TRUE}, the language detected for the source text is included in
#'     the response.
#' @param auth_key Authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @return If \code{get_detect} is set to \code{FALSE} a \code{character vector} containing the
#'    translation is returned. Otherwise, a (\code{tibble}) is returned with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{translation} the translated text.
#' \item \code{source_lang} detected or specified language of the input text.
#' }
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Translate a single text
#' toRussian("Hallo Welt!", auth_key = "my_key")
#' # Translate multiple texts and return the detected language
#' texts <- c("My name is Fred.", "Je suis médecin.", "Ich komme aus der Schweiz.")
#' toRussian(texts, get_detect = T, auth_key = "x")
#' }
toRussian <- function(text, source_lang = NULL, split_sentences = TRUE, preserve_formatting = FALSE,
                       get_detect = FALSE, auth_key = "your_key") {

  translate(text = text, target_lang = "RU", source_lang = source_lang, split_sentences = split_sentences,
            preserve_formatting = preserve_formatting, get_detect = get_detect, auth_key = auth_key)


#' Translate texts into Chinese using DeepL API Pro
#' \code{toChinese} translates a text from an available language into Chinese
#'     using DeepL API Pro. Use \code{available_languages} to list all supported languages.
#'     An authentication key is required to use this service.
#'     The service costs depending on the number of translated characters.
#' @param text character vector to be translated. Only UTF8-encoded plain text is supported.
#'     An element can contain several sentences, but should not exceed 30kbytes.
#' @param source_lang language of the text to be translated. If parameter \code{is.null},
#'     the API guesses the language of the source. If input is of length 1, the same source
#'     language is applied to all elements.
#' @param split_sentences if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine splits the input into sentences.
#'     If only one sentence is translated, it is recommended to set to \code{FALSE} to prevent
#'     the engine from unintentionally splitting the sentence.
#' @param preserve_formatting if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine tries to preserve some aspects
#'     (e.g. punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence, upper/lower case at the beginning
#'     of the sentence) of the formatting.
#' @param get_detect if \code{TRUE}, the language detected for the source text is included in
#'     the response.
#' @param auth_key Authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @return If \code{get_detect} is set to \code{FALSE} a \code{character vector} containing the
#'    translation is returned. Otherwise, a (\code{tibble}) is returned with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{translation} the translated text.
#' \item \code{source_lang} detected or specified language of the input text.
#' }
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Translate a single text
#' toChinese("Hallo Welt!", auth_key = "my_key")
#' # Translate multiple texts and return the detected language
#' texts <- c("My name is Fred.", "Je suis médecin.", "Ich komme aus der Schweiz.")
#' toChinese(texts, get_detect = T, auth_key = "x")
#' }
toChinese <- function(text, source_lang = NULL, split_sentences = TRUE, preserve_formatting = FALSE,
                       get_detect = FALSE, auth_key = "your_key") {

  translate(text = text, target_lang = "ZH", source_lang = source_lang, split_sentences = split_sentences,
            preserve_formatting = preserve_formatting, get_detect = get_detect, auth_key = auth_key)


#' Translate texts into Portuguese using DeepL API Pro
#' \code{toPortuguese} translates a text from an available language into Portuguese
#'     using DeepL API Pro. Use \code{available_languages} to list all supported languages.
#'     An authentication key is required to use this service.
#'     The service costs depending on the number of translated characters.
#' @param text character vector to be translated. Only UTF8-encoded plain text is supported.
#'     An element can contain several sentences, but should not exceed 30kbytes.
#' @param source_lang language of the text to be translated. If parameter \code{is.null},
#'     the API guesses the language of the source. If input is of length 1, the same source
#'     language is applied to all elements.
#' @param split_sentences if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine splits the input into sentences.
#'     If only one sentence is translated, it is recommended to set to \code{FALSE} to prevent
#'     the engine from unintentionally splitting the sentence.
#' @param preserve_formatting if \code{TRUE}, the translation engine tries to preserve some aspects
#'     (e.g. punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence, upper/lower case at the beginning
#'     of the sentence) of the formatting.
#' @param get_detect if \code{TRUE}, the language detected for the source text is included in
#'     the response.
#' @param auth_key Authentication key.
#' @details To get an authentication key, you need to register for a DeepL API Pro
#'     account (\url{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}).
#' @return If \code{get_detect} is set to \code{FALSE} a \code{character vector} containing the
#'    translation is returned. Otherwise, a (\code{tibble}) is returned with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{translation} the translated text.
#' \item \code{source_lang} detected or specified language of the input text.
#' }
#' @references \href{https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer}{DeepL API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Translate a single text
#' toPortuguese("Hallo Welt!", auth_key = "my_key")
#' # Translate multiple texts and return the detected language
#' texts <- c("My name is Fred.", "Je suis médecin.", "Ich komme aus der Schweiz.")
#' toPortuguese(texts, get_detect = T, auth_key = "x")
#' }
toPortuguese <- function(text, source_lang = NULL, split_sentences = TRUE, preserve_formatting = FALSE,
                      get_detect = FALSE, auth_key = "your_key") {

  translate(text = text, target_lang = "PT", source_lang = source_lang, split_sentences = split_sentences,
            preserve_formatting = preserve_formatting, get_detect = get_detect, auth_key = auth_key)

zumbov2/deeplr documentation built on March 30, 2024, 12:17 p.m.