
What Are They Talking About?

Politicians talk a lot. But how do we find out what the most important topics were? The linguistic concept of keyness can serve as a simple starting point here. Keyness is the value for the statistical significance of the frequency of a word in a given corpus, related to a reference corpus. Let’s take a look at this for the past years.

We’re downloading all transcripts (Type = 1 prevents the download of notes on votes and other processes). For the sake of simplicity, we will only consider speeches in German during the analysis. The download still may take a few hours.

df <- swissparl::get_data(
    table = "Transcript",
    Language = "DE",
    Type = 1,
    LanguageOfText = "DE"

Now we exclude all transcripts that come from Council Presidents and Vice-Presidents and then clean the texts with the help function swissparl::clean_text.

# Package

# Data prep
dfs <- df %>%
    filter(!SpeakerLastName == "leer") %>% 
    filter(!SpeakerFunction %in% c("1VP-F", "1VP-M", "2VP-F", "2VP-M", "AP-M", "P-F", "P-M")) %>% 
    filter(!Function %in% c("1VP-M", "2VP-M", "P-F", "p-m", "P-m", "P-M", "P-MM")) %>% 
    mutate(Text2 = swissparl::clean_text(Text, keep_round_brackets = F))

Document-Feature Matrix

With the help of the awesome quanteda package, we convert the almost ~112,000 speeches into a document-feature matrix. This matrix then serves as the starting point for all further analyses.

# Packages

# Create dfm
dfms <- corpus(
    docnames = dfs$ID,
    docvars = dfs %>% select(-Text, -Text2)
    ) %>%
      tolower = F,
      remove = str_replace_all(stopwords("de"), "ß", "ss"),
      remove_punct = T

Custom Function

Now we’re building a function that allows us to find out for a given year what the central keywords were compared to the rest of our corpus.

get_keyness_per_year <- function(year, n = 30, nouns.only = T, no.names = T, dfm) {

    # Install package
    if (!require(lubridate)) install.package("lubridate")

    # Feedback
    cat(paste0("processing: '", year, "'\n"))

    # Keywords
    res <- quanteda::textstat_keyness(
        x = dfm,
        target = lubridate::year(quanteda::docvars(dfm)[["Start"]]) == year

    # Only nouns
    if (nouns.only) res <- res %>% filter(!feature == tolower(feature)) 

    # No names
    if (no.names) res <- res %>% filter(!feature %in% c(quanteda::docvars(dfm)[["SpeakerLastName"]], quanteda::docvars(dfm)[["SpeakerFirstName"]])) 

    # Top N
    res %>% 
       dplyr::slice(1:n) %>% 
       dplyr::select(feature, chi2) %>% 
       dplyr::mutate(year = year)


We then apply this function to selected years and extract the 30 words with the highest keyness (chi-squared test)…

keywords <- purrr::map_dfr(
    c(2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017), 
    dfm = dfms

…and plot the results as wordclouds:

# Packages

# Plot
keywords %>%
     ggplot(aes(label = feature, size = chi2, alpha = 0.05 * chi2)) +
     geom_text_wordcloud() +
       title = "What Are They Talking About?",
       subtitle = "Keywords of the Political Debates for Selected Years",
       caption = "Data: Parliamentary Services of the Federal Assembly, Bern"
     ) +
     facet_wrap(year~.) +

Comparison 2018/2019

Finally, we want to compare the last two years directly: We subset the dfm and then apply our function again.

# Data 
dfms2 <- dfms %>% 
    dfm_subset(year(docvars(dfms)[["Start"]]) %in% c(2018, 2019))

# Get 50 Keywords 
keywords2 <- purrr::map_dfr(c(2018, 2019), get_keyness_per_year, n = 50, dfm = dfms2)

# Plot
keywords2 %>%
     ggplot(aes(label = feature, size = chi2, alpha = 0.05 * chi2)) +
     geom_text_wordcloud() +
     scale_size_area(max_size = 14) +
       title = "What Are They Talking About?",
       subtitle = "Keywords of the Political Debates, 2018 vs. 2019",
       caption = "Data: Parliamentary Services of the Federal Assembly, Bern"
      ) +
      facet_wrap(year~.) +

Further analyses could now be performed using other NLP techniques, such as Topic Modeling.

zumbov2/swissparl documentation built on July 28, 2022, 11:34 a.m.