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The Swiss Parliament Webservices R API

This R package prototype is an interface to the Webservices of the The Federal Assembly — The Swiss Parliament that offer an open, machine-readable interface to the most important data on parliamentary activities.




Let's find out how Cédric Wermuth and Thomas Aeschi voted on the corporate tax reform (USR III) back in 2016. First, we need to get their IDs.

# Fetching all current councillors
clrs <- swissparl::get_councillors()

# Exracting IDs
ids <- clrs %>% 
  dplyr::filter(lastName %in% c("Wermuth", "Aeschi")) %>% 

Now we also need the ID of the affair. Unfortunately the affair overview retrieved with get_affairs() doesn't contain a title variable. That's why we need to fetch the affair details...this may take some time. At least I remember that the Federal Council presented the bill in 2015. This "speeds" things up a little.

# Fetching all bills/affairs of 2015
afrs <- swissparl::get_affair_details2(year = 2015)

# Exracting ID
bill <- afrs %>% 
  dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(title, "Unternehmenssteuerreformgesetz III")) %>% 

Now we have all the information we need to perform the actual query.

# Retrieving voting behavior 
vbh <- swissparl::get_votes_councillors(councillor_id = ids, affair_id = bill)

# Analyzing
vbh %>%
  dplyr::select(lastName, vote.id, councillorVote.decision) %>% 
  tidyr::spread(lastName, councillorVote.decision) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(same = ifelse(Aeschi == Wermuth, 1, 0)) %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(same) %>% 

They voted the same in 7 out of 41 cases...there are councillors who vote more similarly.

I want it all...

The package offers various wrapper functions that enable the mass retrieval of data: see get_affair_details2(), get_councillor_details2(), get_affairsummaries2(), get_faction_members2(), get_committee_members2(), get_votes_affairs2() and get_votes_councillors2().

More data on Swiss politics

zumbov2/swissparl documentation built on July 28, 2022, 11:34 a.m.