Connect to a Presto database
Connect to a Presto database
## S4 method for signature 'PrestoDriver'
host = "localhost",
port = 8080,
source = methods::getPackageName(),
session.timezone = "",
output.timezone = "",
parameters = list(),
ctes = list(),
request.config = httr::config(),
use.trino.headers = FALSE,
extra.credentials = "",
bigint = c("integer", "integer64", "numeric", "character"),
## S4 method for signature 'PrestoConnection'
... |
currently ignored
drv |
A driver object generated by Presto()
catalog |
The catalog to be used
schema |
The schema to be used
user |
The current user
host |
The presto host to connect to
port |
Port to use for the connection
source |
Source to specify for the connection
session.timezone |
Time zone of the Presto server. Presto returns
timestamps without time zones with respect to this value. The time
arithmetic (e.g. adding hours) will also be done in the given time
zone. This value is passed to Presto server via the request headers.
output.timezone |
The time zone using which TIME WITH TZ and TIMESTAMP
values in the output should be represented. Default to the Presto
server timezone (use show(<PrestoConnection>) to see).
parameters |
A list() of extra parameters to be passed in
the ‘X-Presto-Session’ header
ctes |
A list of common table expressions (CTEs) that can be used in the
WITH clause. See vignette("common-table-expressions") .
request.config |
An optional config list, as returned by
httr::config() , to be sent with every HTTP request.
use.trino.headers |
A boolean to indicate whether Trino request headers
should be used. Default to FALSE.
extra.credentials |
Extra credentials to be passed in the
X-Presto-Extra-Credential or X-Trino-Extra-Credential header (
depending on the value of the use.trino.headers argument). Default
to an empty string.
bigint |
The R type that Presto's 64-bit integer (BIGINT ) class should
be translated to. The default is "integer" , which returns R's
integer type, but results in NA for values above/below
+/-2147483647. "integer64" returns a bit64::integer64, which
allows the full range of 64 bit integers. "numeric" coerces into
R's double type but might result in precision loss. Lastly,
"character" casts into R's character type.
conn |
A PrestoConnection object
Presto A PrestoDriver object
dbConnect A PrestoConnection object
dbDisconnect A logical()
value indicating success
## Not run:
conn <- dbConnect(Presto(),
catalog = "hive", schema = "default",
user = "onur", host = "localhost", port = 8080,
session.timezone = "US/Eastern", bigint = "character"
dbListTables(conn, "%_iris")
## End(Not run)