install_cmdstan: Install CmdStan or clean and rebuild an existing installation

View source: R/install.R

install_cmdstanR Documentation

Install CmdStan or clean and rebuild an existing installation


The install_cmdstan() function attempts to download and install the latest release of CmdStan. Installing a previous release or a new release candidate is also possible by specifying the version or release_url argument. See the first few sections of the CmdStan installation guide for details on the C++ toolchain required for installing CmdStan.

The rebuild_cmdstan() function cleans and rebuilds the CmdStan installation. Use this function in case of any issues when compiling models.

The cmdstan_make_local() function is used to read/write makefile flags and variables from/to the make/local file of a CmdStan installation. Writing to the make/local file can be used to permanently add makefile flags/variables to an installation. For example adding specific compiler switches, changing the C++ compiler, etc. A change to the make/local file should typically be followed by calling rebuild_cmdstan().

The check_cmdstan_toolchain() function attempts to check for the required C++ toolchain. It is called internally by install_cmdstan() but can also be called directly by the user.


  dir = NULL,
  cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2),
  quiet = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  timeout = 1200,
  version = NULL,
  release_url = NULL,
  release_file = NULL,
  cpp_options = list(),
  check_toolchain = TRUE,
  wsl = FALSE

  dir = cmdstan_path(),
  cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2),
  quiet = FALSE,
  timeout = 600

cmdstan_make_local(dir = cmdstan_path(), cpp_options = NULL, append = TRUE)

check_cmdstan_toolchain(fix = FALSE, quiet = FALSE)



(string) The path to the directory in which to install CmdStan. The default is to install it in a directory called .cmdstan within the user's home directory (i.e, file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".cmdstan")).


(integer) The number of CPU cores to use to parallelize building CmdStan and speed up installation. If cores is not specified then the default is to look for the option "mc.cores", which can be set for an entire R session by options(mc.cores=value). If the "mc.cores" option has not been set then the default is 2.


(logical) For install_cmdstan(), should the verbose output from the system processes be suppressed when building the CmdStan binaries? The default is FALSE. For check_cmdstan_toolchain(), should the function suppress printing informational messages? The default is FALSE. If TRUE only errors will be printed.


(logical) Should CmdStan still be downloaded and installed even if an installation of the same version is found in dir? The default is FALSE, in which case an informative error is thrown instead of overwriting the user's installation.


(positive real) Timeout (in seconds) for the build stage of the installation.


(string) The CmdStan release version to install. The default is NULL, which downloads the latest stable release from


(string) The URL for the specific CmdStan release or release candidate to install. See The URL should point to the tarball (.tar.gz. file) itself, e.g., release_url="". If both version and release_url are specified then version will be used.


(string) A file path to a CmdStan release tar.gz file downloaded from the releases page: For example: ⁠release_file=""./cmdstan-2.33.1.tar.gz"⁠. If release_file is specified then both release_url and version will be ignored.


(list) Any makefile flags/variables to be written to the make/local file. For example, list("CXX" = "clang++") will force the use of clang for compilation.


(logical) Should install_cmdstan() attempt to check that the required toolchain is installed and properly configured. The default is TRUE.


(logical) Should CmdStan be installed and run through the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The default is FALSE.


(logical) For cmdstan_make_local(), should the listed makefile flags be appended to the end of the existing make/local file? The default is TRUE. If FALSE the file is overwritten.


For check_cmdstan_toolchain(), should CmdStanR attempt to fix any detected toolchain problems? Currently this option is only available on Windows. The default is FALSE, in which case problems are only reported along with suggested fixes.


For cmdstan_make_local(), if cpp_options=NULL then the existing contents of make/local are returned without writing anything, otherwise the updated contents are returned.


## Not run: 

# install_cmdstan(cores = 4)

cpp_options <- list(
  "CXX" = "clang++",
  "CXXFLAGS+= -march=native",
# cmdstan_make_local(cpp_options = cpp_options)
# rebuild_cmdstan()

## End(Not run)

stan-dev/cmdstanr documentation built on Aug. 13, 2024, 5:13 p.m.