set_bednets: Parameterise a bed net strategy

View source: R/vector_control_parameters.R

set_bednetsR Documentation

Parameterise a bed net strategy


The model will distribute bed nets at timesteps to a random sample of the entire human population. The sample size will be a proportion of the human population taken from the corresponding coverages. The sample can contain humans who already have bed nets.

All of the sample "use" their bed nets on the timestep after they are distributed. Incomplete usage is not part of this model.

If a human in the sample already has a bed net, their bed net will be replaced by a new one.

Bed nets will be randomly removed each timestep with a rate of 1 - exp(-1/retention)

The structure for the bed net model is documented in the S.I. of 10.1038/s41467-018-07357-w


set_bednets(parameters, timesteps, coverages, retention, dn0, rn, rnm, gamman)



a list of parameters to modify


the timesteps at which to distribute bed nets


the proportion of the human population who receive bed nets


the average number of timesteps a net is kept for


a matrix of death probabilities for each species over time. With nrows=length(timesteps), ncols=length(species)


a matrix of repelling probabilities for each species over time With nrows=length(timesteps), ncols=length(species)


a matrix of minimum repelling probabilities for each species over time With nrows=length(timesteps), ncols=length(species)


a vector of bednet half-lives for each distribution timestep

mrc-ide/malariasimulation documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 8:43 a.m.