xlsx_formats: Import xlsx (Excel) formatting definitions.

View source: R/xlsx_formats.R

xlsx_formatsR Documentation

Import xlsx (Excel) formatting definitions.


xlsx_formats() imports formatting definitions from spreadsheets. The structure is a nested list, e.g. bold is a vector within the list font, which is within the list local, which is within the list returned by xlsx_formats(). You can look up a cell's formatting by indexing the bottom-level vectors. See 'Details' for examples.


xlsx_formats(path, check_filetype = TRUE)



Path to the xlsx file.


Logical. Whether to check that the filetype is xlsx (or xlsm) by looking at the file itself, rather than using the filename extension.


There are two types of formatting: 'style' formatting, such as Excel's built-in styles 'normal', 'bad', etc., and 'local' formatting, which overrides the style. These are returned in the ⁠$style⁠ and ⁠$local⁠ sublists of xlsx_formats(), with identical structures.

To look up the local formatting of a given cell, take the cell's local_format_id value (my_cells$Sheet1[1, "local_format_id"]), and use it as an index into the format structure. E.g. to look up the font size, my_formats$local$font$size[local_format_id]. To see all available formats, type str(my_formats$local).

Colours may be recorded in any of three ways: a hexadecimal RGB string with or without alpha, an 'indexed' colour, and an index into a 'theme'. xlsx_formats() dereferences 'indexed' and 'theme' colours to their hexadecimal RGB string representation, and standardises all RGB strings to have an alpha channel in the first two characters. The 'index' and the 'theme' name are still provided. To filter by an RGB string, you could look up the RGB values in a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel, LibreOffice, Gnumeric), and use the grDevices::rgb() function to convert these to a hexadecimal string.

A <- 1; R <- 0.5; G <- 0; B <- 0
rgb(A, R, G, B)
# [1] "#FF800000"


A nested list of vectors, beginning at the top level with ⁠$style⁠ and ⁠$local⁠, then drilling down to the vectors that hold the definitions. E.g. my_formats$local$font$size.


examples <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")

# The formats of particular cells can be retrieved like this:

cells <- xlsx_cells(examples)
formats <- xlsx_formats(examples)


# To filter for cells of a particular format, first filter the formats to get
# the relevant indices, and then filter the cells by those indices.
bold_indices <- which(formats$local$font$bold)
cells[cells$local_format_id %in% bold_indices, ]

tidyxl documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:34 a.m.