Man pages for CKdata
CK's data archive

AirPassengersAir Passengers at Swiss international airports
BaselCargoCargo handling at Basel harbours
BaselPricesBasel Prices
BaselStudentsBasel Students
BaselStudentsEconBasel Students (Economics)
BedOccHotel Bed Occupancy Rate
BSWeatherWeather in Basle
EnergyBSEnergy Consumption in Basel
FTSEFTSE Price Indices
peakXPeak Years of Global Resources
PopDistrBSTotal Population by district in Canton Basel-Stadt
PopMunBSPopulation in the municipalities of Basel
RhineLevelWater Level of Rhine
SPISPI Price Indices
WaterBSWater Consumption in Basel
CKdata documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:51 p.m.