esm: Ecological specificity measures - main page

Description Details References


Returns an interaction matrix normalized to 1


Values of measure can be : hr, the classical host range; ssi, the species specialization index; dfp, the DFP index; shannon, Shannon's entropy; wadfp, the weighted additive DFP.


For DFP and WADFP, and this package, cite : Poisot, T & Hochberg, M E "..." XXX.

For HS, cite : Schug J, et al. (2005) Promoter features related to tissue specificity as measured by Shannon entropy. Genome biology 6(4):R33

For SSI, cite : Julliard R, Clavel J, Devictor V, Jiguet F, & Couvet D (2006) Spatial segregation of specialists and generalists in bird communities. Ecology Letters 9(11):1237-1244.

ESM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:51 p.m.

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