Man pages for FaultTree
Fault Trees for Risk and Reliability Analysis

addActiveAdd an Active Component Event
addDemandAdd a Pure Demand Event
addDuplicateAdd a duplicated (repeated) event or entire branch to a fault...
addExposedAdd a Time Dependant, Non-Repairable, Event
addHouseAdd a Given Condition
addLatentAdd a Latent Component Event
addLogicAdd a Logic Gate
addProbabilityAdd a Pure Probability
addUndevelopedEnter a Probability for an Undeveloped Event
applyCollapseSet a gate node for collapsed state on initial rendering.
cutsetsFault Tree Minimal Cut Set Determination
FaultTree-packageFault Trees for Risk and Reliability Analysis
ftree2bddGeneration of Binary Decision Diagram
ftree2htmlFault Tree Rendered in HTML
ftree2tableFault Tree Tabular Subview
ftree.calcFault Tree Calculation
ftree.makeFault Tree Creation
hierarchyDF2jsonJSON formatting for tabular hierarchy data
parameter_conversionParameter Conversion Helper Functions
pcParameter Conversion Helper Functions
prob2lamreverse calculation of exponential lambda from probability
probabilityProbability Calculstion by BDD or mcub
tagconnectInterpretation of Node ID by tag Name
test.ftreeFault Tree Object Test
FaultTree documentation built on June 8, 2023, 6:53 a.m.