tagconnect: Interpretation of Node ID by tag Name

View source: R/tagconnect.R

tagconnectR Documentation

Interpretation of Node ID by tag Name


Enables tree building improvement by allowing reference to nodes by tag.


tagconnect(DF, at, source=FALSE)



A fault tree dataframe such as returned from ftree.make or related add... functions.


An ID value or tag name for reference to a node.


A logical indicating whether to evaluate multiple occurences of the tag to identify the source of duplication. Default of FALSE will cause the function to fail in case of multiple occurence of tag provided as 'at'.


Returns the ID value for the node whether it is a tag string or the actual ID value.


Nicholls, David [Editor] (2005) System Reliability Toolkit Reliability information Analysis Center

O'Connor, Patrick D.T. (1991) Practical Reliability Engineering John Wiley & Sons

Vesely, W.E., Goldberg, F.F., Roberts, N.H., Haasl, D.F. (1981) Fault Tree Handbook U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Vesely, W.E., Stamatelato, M., Dugan, J., Fragola, J., Minarick, J., Railsback, J. (2002) Fault Tree Handbook with Aerospace Applications NASA

Doelp, L.C., Lee, G.K., Linney, R.E., Ormsby R.W. (1984) Quantitative fault tree analysis: Gate-by-gate method Plant/Operations Progress Volume 3, Issue 4 American Institute of Chemical Engineers


mytree <-ftree.make(type="and", name="common cause failure", name2="of redundant pumps")
mytree<-addActive(mytree,at="top",mttf=3,mttr=12/8760, tag="p1", name="Pump")
mytree <- addProbability(mytree,  at="top", prob=.05, name="common cause", name2="beta factor")
pumpIDvalue<-tagconnect(mytree, at="p1")

FaultTree documentation built on June 8, 2023, 6:53 a.m.