gdm.transform: Transforming Predictor Data Using A Generalized Dissimilarity...

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s)


This function transforms a table of geographic and environmental predictors using the results of a model object returned from gdm and a data frame environmental data for a set of sites formatted as follows: X0,Y0,Pred1,Pred2,...,PredN is Geographic distance is used as a predictor otherwise Pred1,Pred2,...,PredN





a gdm object resulting from a call to gdm


a data frame representing a set of sites with the X and Y values in the first two columns if the model uses geographic distance as a predictor. The predictor values follow. Note that the order of the predictor columns MUST be the same as the order of the predictors in the model.


gdm.transform returns a data frame with the same number of rows as the input data frame. If the model uses geographic distance as a predictor the output table will have the first and second columns set to the transformed X and Y values from each site in the input table. The transformed predictor data will be in the following columns.


Glenn Manion

Gdm01 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.