Man pages for JBTools
Misc Small Tools and Helper Functions for Other Code of J. Buttlar

checkInstalledCheck whether a command can be invoked via the command line
colorChangeDarknessChange the dark/brightness of a color
convertArgs2StringSave function argument values to a character string
getSysinfoCompile system information
getVecInfoCompute vector summary statistics
indexDimVecs2MatrixTransform integer indices to an index matrix
indexVec2MatrixTransform a vector index to an index matrix
isSeriesConstantCheck whether a vector is constant
isSeriesContinuousTest for continuous (non NA interrupted) series
JBTools-packageMisc Small Tools and Helper Functions for Other Code of J....
labelMarginsLabel the margins of a plot
MEFCompute the modelling efficiency (MEF)
plotBGPlot a colored plot background
plotColorScaleAdd a color scale to plots
plotImageRotatedPlot a rotated image plot
plotNLinesPlot many lines in one plot
printStatusPrint a status message
rangeZeroEquiCompute a zero centered equi-sided range
registerParallelSet up a parallel computing front end
RMSECompute the residual mean square error (RMSE)
seqLengthDetermine lengths of sequences of identical elements
seqLongestfind longest sequence of TRUEs
userCoordsTransfer relative to actual plot coordinate values
whichClosestFind closest matches in two vectors
JBTools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:47 p.m.