Man pages for MAMI
Model Averaging and Model Selection after Multiple Imputation

breakshelper function
cut_numberhelper function
CV.cshelper function
CV.lhelper function
fullseqhelper function
HIVHIV treatment data
jmaJMA: Jackknife Model Averaging
laeLasso Averaging Estimation
listSLWrappersExplains model averaging wrappers for super learning
mahelper function
ma.bma.hhelper function
ma.coxph.hhelper function
make.positive.definitehelper function
mamiModel averaging (and model selection) after multiple...
MAMI-packageModel averaging (and model selection) after multiple...
mmaMMA: Mallow's Model Averaging
ms.hhelper function
plot.laeVisualize estimates from Lasso Averaging Estimation
plot.mamiPlot bootstrap results when utilizing model...
predict.SL.jmaPrediction wrapper for Jackknife Model Averaging with all...
predict.SL.jma2Prediction wrapper for Jackknife Model Averaging incl....
predict.SL.jma.allPrediction wrapper for Jackknife Model Averaging with all...
predict.SL.jma.intPrediction wrapper for Jackknife Model Averaging incl. all...
predict.SL.laePrediction wrapper for Lasso Averaging Estimation (10-fold)...
predict.SL.lae2Prediction wrapper for Lasso Averaging Estimation (10-fold)...
predict.SL.lae.intPrediction wrapper for Lasso Averaging Estimation (10-fold)...
predict.SL.mmaPrediction wrapper for Mallows Model Averaging with all...
predict.SL.mma2Prediction wrapper for Mallows Model Averaging incl. squared... wrapper for Mallows Model Averaging with all... wrapper for Mallows Model Averaging incl. all...
ProstateProstate data
round_anyhelper function
SL.jmaWrapper for Jackknife Model Averaging, on the subset of...
SL.jma2Wrapper for Jackknife Model Averaging incl. squared (numeric)...
SL.jma.allWrapper for Jackknife Model Averaging with all variables, on...
SL.jma.intWrapper for Jackknife Model Averaging incl. all 2-way...
SL.laeWrapper for Lasso Averaging Estimation (10-fold) with all...
SL.lae2Lasso Averaging Estimation (10-fold) incl. squared (numeric)...
SL.lae.intLasso Averaging Estimation (10-fold) incl. all 2-way...
SL.mmaWrapper for Mallows Model Averaging with all variables, on...
SL.mma2Wrapper for Mallows Model Averaging incl. squared (numeric)... for Mallows Model Averaging with all variables, on... for Mallows Model Averaging incl. all 2-way...
zero_rangehelper function
MAMI documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:02 p.m.