Man pages for MDP
Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) in R

actionIdxDfInfo about the actions in the HMDP model under consideration.
actionIdxMatInfo about the actions in the HMDP model under consideration.
actionInfoInfo about the actions in the HMDP model under consideration.
actionWeightMatInfo about the weights of the actions in the HMDP model under...
binaryMDPWriterFunction for writing an HMDP model to binary files. The...
calcRPOCalculate the rentention payoff (RPO) or opportunity cost for...
calcSteadyStatePrCalculate the steady state transition probabilities for the...
calcWeightsCalculate weights based on current policy. Normally run after...
convertBinary2HMPConvert a HMDP model stored in binary format to a hmp (xml)...
convertHMP2BinaryConvert a HMDP model stored in a hmp (xml) file to binary...
fixActionFix the action of a state. That is, the other actions are...
getActionTransIdSGet the ids of the transition states of an action.
getActionTransPrGet the transition probabilities of the transition states of...
getActionWGet the weights of an action.
getIdSReturn ids for states having index string in idxS.
getIdSStagesReturn ids for states in a stage.
getLabelReturn the label of states having id idS.
getPolicyGet parts of the optimal policy.
getPolicyWGet parts of the optimal policy weights.
getStrIdxSReturn the index strings for states having id idS.
getTransPrGet the transition probability matrix P for the founder...
getWIdxReturn the index of a weight in the model. Note that index...
hmpMDPWriterFunction for writing an HMDP model to a hmp file (XML). The...
hypergfThe state-expanded hypergraph as a matrix
infoInformation about a state and its corresponding actions
loadMDPCreate the HMDP defined in the binary files. The model are...
MDPMarkov Decision Processes (MDPs) in R
policyIteAvePerform policy iteration (average criterion) on the MDP.
policyIteDiscountPerform policy iteration (discount criterion) on the MDP.
removeActionRemove the action of a state from the HMDP.
resetActionsReset the actions of a state.
setActionWeightSet the weight of an action.
setPolicySet the current policy.
setPolicyActionSet the action of a state to be in the current policy.
setStateWeightSet the weight of a state.
stateIdxDfInfo about the states in the HMDP model under consideration.
stateIdxMatInfo about the states in the HMDP model under consideration.
transProbMatInfo about the transition probabilities in the HMDP model...
valueItePerform value iteration on the MDP.
weightNamesNames of weights used in actions.
MDP documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m.