Mensuration-package: Miscellaneous Mensuration Routines

Description Details List of functions... Author(s) References


This package begain as a place to put a few handy mensuration routines that I tend to use over and over. It now has been extended to include a few other routines that incorporate the shiny package, such as one to look at “q” distributions.


Package: Mensuration
Type: Package
Version: 1.1-3
Date: 2018-10-4
License: gpl
LazyLoad: yes

See the individual package routines for more details.

List of functions...

groupDBH Places diameters in classes
dbhClassLimits Sets class limits for groupDBH
standTable Create a stand table using the above two routines
Units A wrapper for the units shell command
findq Determine “q” from stand basal area and number of trees in the maximum dbh class
qDistnShiny A shiny app for playing with “q”
crDistnShiny A shiny app for the Chapman-Richards distribution




Please see for more information about Shiny and its use.

Mensuration documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:52 p.m.