Man pages for MonetDB.R
Connect MonetDB to R

aggregatefAggregate by formula 'monet.frame' into 'data.frame'.
as.listConvert 'monet.frame' into a R 'list' of columns.
controlControl a MonetDB server from the R shell.
dbSendUpdateSend a data-altering SQL statement to the database.
mcShorthand connection constructor for MonetDB
mfShorthand constructor for 'monet.frame' objects
monetdbGetTransferredBytesGet and reset MAPI traffic counters
MonetDB.RDBI database connector and virtual data object for MonetDB a CSV file into MonetDB
monetdbRtypeGet the name of the R data type for a database type.
monet.frameVirtual R data object for MonetDB tables and query results
sampleRandom Data Sampling
sdStandard Deviation
set.debugEnables/Disables SQL query debugging on 'monet.frame'...
tabulate'tabulate()' support for 'monet.frame' objects
tabulate.monet.frame'tabulate()' support for 'monet.frame' objects
MonetDB.R documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:26 p.m.