NetSim-package: NetSim: A Social Networks Simulation Tool in R.

Description Details Author(s) References


NetSim allows to combine and simulate a variety of micro-models to research their impact on the macro-features of social networks.


Package: NetSim
Type: Package
Version: 0.9
Date: 2013-06-13
License: GPL-2

Simulation models in NetSim are based on model sequences including the following steps
1. Determine the time span until the next change occurs
2. Apply change models based on the time span determined
3. Determine changes based on the updated states
4. Apply these changes

There may be several of such model chains running simultaneously. The comparison of step 1 of the models returns which action chain is started.


Christoph Stadtfeld
Maintainer: Christoph Stadtfeld <>


If you use NetSim for publications, please cite
Christoph Stadtfeld (2013): NetSim: A Social Networks Simulation Tool in R URL:
(check the web site for updated references)

NetSim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:20 p.m.