Man pages for RHmm
Hidden Markov Models simulations and estimations

asymptoticCovAsymptotic covariance matrix of the HMM parameters
asymptoticIterSimCovMatCompute the asymptotic covariance matrix of a fitted HMM by...
computeScoreAndInformationScore and Information matrix of the HMM parameters
data_mixtureSimulated univariate mixture of 3 gausssian distributions
distributionSetSet the parameters for the distributions of observations
forwardBackwardforward-backward function
HMMFitFit an Hidden Markov Model
HMMGraphicDiagGraphic diagnostic of the HMM estimation
HMMPlotSeriePlot univariates series in each estimated states
HMMSetSet the parameters for the hidden Markov models
HMMSimSimulation of an Hidden Markov Model
obs_n1d_3sA 3 states HMM with univariate gaussian distribution data set
obs_n3d_2sA 2 states HMM with 3D gaussian distribution data set
setAsymptoticCovMatSet the asymptotic covariance matrix of a fitted HMM
viterbiViterbi algorithm
weatherSimulated discrete HMM
RHmm documentation built on July 16, 2024, 3:03 a.m.