Man pages for RobLox
Optimally Robust Influence Curves and Estimators for Location and Scale

0RobLox-packageOptimally robust influence curves and estimators for location...
finiteSampleCorrectionFunction to compute finite-sample corrected radii
rlOptICComputation of the optimally robust IC for AL estimators
rlsOptIC.ALComputation of the optimally robust IC for AL estimators
rlsOptIC.An1Computation of the optimally robust IC for An1 estimators
rlsOptIC.An2Computation of the optimally robust IC for An2 estimators
rlsOptIC.AnMadComputation of the optimally robust IC for AnMad estimators
rlsOptIC.BMComputation of the optimally robust IC for BM estimators
rlsOptIC.Ha3Computation of the optimally robust IC for Ha3 estimators
rlsOptIC.Ha4Computation of the optimally robust IC for Ha4 estimators
rlsOptIC.HaMadComputation of the optimally robust IC for HuMad estimators
rlsOptIC.Hu1Computation of the optimally robust IC for Hu1 estimators
rlsOptIC.Hu2Computation of the optimally robust IC for Hu2 estimators
rlsOptIC.Hu2aComputation of the optimally robust IC for Hu2a estimators
rlsOptIC.Hu3Computation of the optimally robust IC for Hu3 estimators
rlsOptIC.HuMadComputation of the optimally robust IC for HuMad estimators
rlsOptIC.MComputation of the optimally robust IC for M estimators
rlsOptIC.MM2Computation of the optimally robust IC for MM2 estimators
rlsOptIC.Tu1Computation of the optimally robust IC for Tu1 estimators
rlsOptIC.Tu2Computation of the optimally robust IC for Tu2 estimators
rlsOptIC.TuMadComputation of the optimally robust IC for TuMad estimators
robloxOptimally robust estimator for location and/or scale
rowRobloxOptimally robust estimation for location and/or scale
rsOptICComputation of the optimally robust IC for AL estimators
showdownEstimator Showdown by Monte-Carlo Study.
RobLox documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 3 a.m.