Man pages for SDaA
Sampling: Design and Analysis

agpopData from the U...
agsrsData from a SRS of size 300 from the U...
agstratData from a stratified random sample of size 300 from...
anthropLength of Left Middle Finger and Height for 3000 Criminals...
anthsrsLength of Left Middle Finger and Height for an SRS of Size...
anthuneqLength of Left Middle Finger and Height for an...
athropLength of Left Middle Finger and Height for 3000 Criminals...
auditSelection of Accounts for Audit in Example 6...
booksData from Home Owner's Survey on Total Number of Books...
certifyData from the 1994 Survey of ASA Membership on...
cootsEgg Size from Coots...
countiesData from an SRS of 100 of the 3141 Counties in the U...
divorceData from a Sample of Divorce Records...
golfsrsSimple Random Sample of Golf Courses...
htpopHeight and gender of 2000 persons in an artificial...
htsrsHeight and gender for an SRS of 200 persons, taken from...
htstractHeight and gender for a stratified random sample from...
htstratHeight and gender for a stratified random sample from...
journalTypes of Sampling Used for Articles in a Sample of...
lahiri.designDraw Samples Using Lahiri's Method...
measlesSurvey of Parents of Children Non-Immunized against...
ncvsVictimization Incidents in the July-December 1989 NCVS...
nybightData Collected in the New York Bight...
ottersOtters Data...
ozoneOzone Readings from Eskdalemuir, for 1994 and 1995...
samplesSamples Dataset...
sealsBreathing Holes of Seals...
selectrsSteps used in Selecting an SRS...
statepopUnequal-Probability Sample of Counties in the US...
stateppsInformation on States...
sycSurvey of Youth in Custody, 1987...
teachersElementary School Teacher Workload Data...
teachmiCluster Sizes for Elementary School Teacher Workload Data...
teachnrFollow-Up Study of Nonrespondents from Gnap (1995)...
winterASU Winter Closure Survey...
SDaA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:17 p.m.