Man pages for SpaTimeClus
Model-Based Clustering of Spatio-Temporal Data

airparifReal spatio-temporal data: airparif
BuildSTCdataConstructors of the class STCdata
print-methodsSummary function.
spatimeclusThis function performs the maximum likelihood estimation for...
SpaTimeClus-packageSpaTimeClus a package for clustering spatio-temporal data
STCcriteria-classConstructor of ['STCcriteria'] class
STCdata-classConstructor of ['STCdata'] class
STCmodelThis function builts an instance of STCmodel.
STCmodel-classConstructor of ['STCmodel'] class
STCparam-classConstructor of ['STCparam'] class
STCpartitions-classConstructor of ['STCpartitions'] class
STCresults-classConstructor of ['STCresults'] class
STCtune-classConstructor of ['STCtune'] class
summary-methodsSummary function.
SpaTimeClus documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:22 p.m.