Man pages for SpatialModelsZAMG
Spatial Modeling of Extreme Events

alt.atAltitude data from Austria
border.atBorder data from Austria
cond_returnlevel_mapCreate conditional return level maps for Austria
cond_returnlevel_plotCreate conditional return level plots
cond_returnlevelsCalculate conditional return levels
conf.intConfidence intervals for GEV and MEV distributions
get_dataExemplary function output from 'get_data_from_Robj'
get_data_from_RobjExtract the snow data from a saved 'robj' file
GEVparameters_from_modelsCalculate GEV parameters according to given linear models
GEVparameters_mapCreate GEV parameter maps for Austria
lat.atLatitude data from Austria
lon.atLongitude data from Austria
MEVparameters_from_modelsCalculate MEV parameters according to given linear models
model_difference_mapCreate model difference maps for Austria
model_selectionFind best linear models according to AIC
model_selection_MEVFind best linear models for MEV distributed data according to...
optim_hrExemplary function output from 'optimizer_biv_hr_model'
optimizer_biv_ext_gauss_modelOptimize the coefficients of the best fitted linear models...
optimizer_biv_ext_t_modelOptimize the coefficients of the best fitted linear models...
optimizer_biv_hr_modelOptimize the coefficients of the best fitted linear models...
optimizer_smooth_modelOptimize the coefficients of the best fitted linear models...
optimizer_smooth_model_MEV_mleOptimize the coefficients of the best fitted linear MEV...
optimizer_smooth_model_MEV_pwmOptimize the coefficients of the best fitted linear MEV...
returnlevel_mapCreate return level maps for Austria
returnlevel_plotCreate return level plots
returnlevelsCalculate return levels
sample_grid_dataSample grid data for snow depth and snow water equivalent
sample_snow_dataSample snow data from 36 examplary stations distributed over...
sd_GEVparamExemplary function output from 'GEVparameters_from_models'...
sd_m_selectExemplary function output from 'model_selection' for sd
SpatialModelsZAMGPackage 'SpatialModelsZAMG'
swe_GEVparamExemplary function output from 'GEVparameters_from_models'...
swe_m_selectExemplary function output from 'model_selection' for swe
SpatialModelsZAMG documentation built on Nov. 11, 2019, 3 p.m.