
# see
# section 5.8 regarding errors.


###################### NOTE re try(..., silent=TRUE) ######################
#  silent=TRUE only works properly, using level OFF in configuration file
z <- try(getSDMX("OECD", 'G20_PRICES.CAB.CP.IXOB.M'), silent=TRUE)



# to install devel version from Github
# require(devtools)
# old install_github(repo = "SDMX", username = "amattioc", subdir = "RJSDMX")
# install_github(repo = "amattioc/SDMX", subdir = "RJSDMX")
# check installed version
# installed.packages()["RJSDMX",c("Package","Version")] 
# used 1.1 testing to 6 Nov 2014
#      1.2 installed from github 6 Nov 2014
#      1.3 installed from github 11 Dec 2014
#      1.3 installed from github 22 Dec 2014
#      1.3 installed from github  5 Feb 2015
#      1.4.2 installed from github  14 Sept 2015

# Package rJava may be needed interactively for experimenting but should be found
#   in the the namespace when everything is working.
# require("rJava")

# When the package is loaded there is an indication if/where 
# a configuration file has been found.
# Its location should be set with the SDMX_CONF environment variable.
#  e.g  export SDMX_CONF=/home/paul/.SdmxClient
# Details about contents are at
# The configuration file can be used to control the level of std output about
# warnings and errors. This mostly seems to be coming directly from the java,
# rather than passed back to R (which would be more usual for R packages as it
# can then be masked in R by try(), etc, if that makes sense.)
# R users many want to set 
#java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = WARNING
# to limit output to what would more usually be expected in R sessions.

##########  Notes on finding identifiers (e.g. EuroStat) ##################

# Finding series identifiers is difficult and
#  the mneumonics are obscure. Needs documentation.

# on finding identifiers
# >SDMX queries tutorial
# and 

#   but real, use   sdmxHelp()

# sdmxHelp()  # This is very helpful

#>EUROSTAT  ei_nama_q : Main aggregates - quarterly
# 	eil_nama_q  > 	>FREQ: Q
#			>S_ADJ: NSA
#			>P_ADJ: CP  (current prices)
#			>INDIC: NA-B1GP  (GDP at market prices)
#			>GEO: IT  (Italy)

# This shows all ei_nama_q available for IT, by downloading everything, so
#     it is a bit slow (168 series)
# nm <- names(getSDMX('EUROSTAT', 'ei_nama_q.*.*.*.*.*.IT') )
# length(nm)  # 168

#  There are only Quarterly series in above, so next is the same (and also slow).
#  It works but several series have only  NaN values

#    tts <-  getSDMX('EUROSTAT', 'ei_nama_q.Q.*.*.*.*.IT') 
#    names(tts)

# for (i in 1: length(tts)) print( any(! is.nan(tts[[i]])))
# for (i in 1: length(tts)) print( sum(! is.nan(tts[[i]])))

# "ei_nama_q.Q.MIO-EUR.NSA.CLV2000.NA-B11.IT" %in% nm

# Retrieves but values are NaN
# tts2 <- getSDMX('EUROSTAT', "ei_nama_q.Q.MIO-EUR.NSA.CLV2000.NA-B11.IT") 

# This works and the series has data starting 1990Q1 (NaN prior to 1990)
#  tts2 <- getSDMX('EUROSTAT', "ei_nama_q.Q.MIO-EUR.SWDA.CP.NA-P72.IT") 

#  sdmxHelp() 
#  eg
#    Providers: ECB
#    Filter flows: EXR
#     click on Flow ID  EXR
#     click on Select Dimension FREQ and Select Code A
#     click on Select Dimension Currency and Select Code A
#     click on ... to build  EXR/A.USD.EUR.SP00.A

#[1] "BIS"      "ILO"      "ECB"      "OECD"     "EUROSTAT"       with v1.1
#[1] "ILO"      "ECB"      "INEGI"    "OECD"     "EUROSTAT" "IMF" with v1.2

#with v1.3
#[1] "ABS"  "WB"  "ILO" "ECB" "OECD_RESTR" "NBB" "INEGI" "OECD" 
#                                        "UIS"  "EUROSTAT"   "IMF" 

# github version Sept 15, 2015 Build ID: 20150915-1113:
# [1] "ABS"        "OECD_RESTR" "EUROSTAT"   "ISTAT"      "INSEE"     
# [6] "WB"         "ILO"        "ECB"        "NBB"        "OECD"      
#[11] "INEGI"      "UIS"        "IMF"  

# May 2017  v1.7
# [1] "ABS"              "UNDATA"           "OECD_RESTR"       "WITS"            
# [5] "EUROSTAT"         "ISTAT"            "IMF2"             "INSEE"           
# [9] "ISTAT_CENSUS_POP" "WB"               "IMF_SDMX_CENTRAL" "ILO"             
#[13] "ISTAT_CENSUS_IND" "ECB"              "NBB"              "INEGI"           
#[17] "OECD"             "UIS"              "ISTAT_CENSUS_AGR" "IMF"             

#  toDo
#  need to improve "IMF2"  "INSEE" 
  # z <- getSDMX('EUROSTAT', "ei_nama_q.Q.MIO_EUR.SCA.CP.NA-P71.IT") 

############################ "BIS" ############################
# need account, not available to the publicly as of Nov 2014
#addProvider(name='BIS', endpoint='xxx', TRUE)


#  Notes regarding not yet providers 
#  These have SDMX but not sure about REST 

#  see also organizations listed at


#  RJSDMX function addProvider


## The addProvider function works only on SDMX 2.1 fully compliant providers. 
# All other versions of SDMX are "not so standard", and it is impossible (at 
# others are a 'custom' client

    endpoint='', FALSE)

  z <- getSDMX('test', 'EXR.A.USD.EUR.SP00.A')

############ Swiss Federal Statistical Office ###############
#Site to the following e-mail address:

# federal Swiss institute of statistics to disseminate their data in SDMX 
# and via a RESTful API.
# addProvider(name='SIS', 
#     endpoint='', FALSE)

############################ JEDH ############################


############################ WHO ############################
# emailed gho_info @  Dec 7,2014

# their XLM looks like SDMX but does not say it is
# see

# dimensions

# example

################### Federal Reserve Board #####################

#Consumer credit from all sources (I think)

############################ Statistics Canada ############################

############################  Bank of Canada  ############################

############################  Fisheries and Oceans  ############################

# emailed for contact Dec 7, 1014

# FAO Fisheries has currently this SDMX 2.1 REST API with SDMX 2.0 messages:
# FAO will publish this year also:

############################ British ONS  ############################


############################ INE (Spain)  ############################
# reference here:

#Request for time series using the metadata
#description of the concepts that intervene
#(Population: dpop, Annual frequency
#FREQ.A and NUTS2 AREA2.ES11):

#    endpoint='', FALSE)

#    endpoint='', FALSE)

#  getFlows('INE')


#tts <- getSDMX('INE', 'dpop')

############################ UN ############################
# contaced on web form Dec 7, 2014

##R example using json at

# no SDMX yet but coming

# UN Comtrade data request takes the following form:
# API call: 


Try the TSsdmx package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

TSsdmx documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:26 p.m.