
############################ "ILO" ############################
# The server process which provides information to sdmxHelp() is having problems
#  (Actually, not just the sdmxHelp. The server is not available.)

# The ILO endpoint does not respond to the getFlows call (probably too many flows) and 
# this makes it impossible to use the sdmxHelper for it.

# There is a nice API doc on the ILOSTAT site that helps building queries:


# A definitive fix is coming, but in the meantime the getflows already works.


# z <- getFlows('ILO')  # very slow but works Feb 13, 2015. Previously failed (see above)
# length(z)  #[1] 710

########### annual ########### 


#if ("1988" != start(tts[[1]]))  stop("ILO test 1 start date changed.")
if ("1991" != start(tts[[1]]))  stop("ILO test 1 start date changed.")

   start="1995-01-01", end="2012-12-31")
#   start="1995", end="2012")

if ("1995" != start(tts[[1]]))  stop("ILO test 1 start date error.")

if ("2012" !=   end(tts[[1]]))  stop("ILO test 1 end date error.") 

#17 provider BUG
# ILOSTAT support said, Feb 11, 2015, the ILOSTAT web services only support 
# data format YYYY-MM-DD. Thus, in order to have the observation for 
# year 2012 you'll have to change the call  from start="1995", end="2012")
# to  use start="1995-01-01", end="2012-12-31")

# works but slow
# tts <- getTimeSeries("ILO", "DF_YI_ALL_EMP_TEMP_SEX_AGE_NB/YI.MEX+ESP.....")
# nm <- names(tts)
# nm[grepl('SEX_T.AGE_AGGREGATE_TOTAL', nm )] 

length(tts) # 10 previously, 8 in spring 2017, 4 in Oct 2018

#"2001" previously, "1991" in spring 2017, 1983 in Oct 2018
if ("1983" != start(tts[[1]]))  stop("ILO test 3 start date changed.")

Try the TSsdmx package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

TSsdmx documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:26 p.m.