WRS2: A Collection of Robust Statistical Methods

A collection of robust statistical methods based on Wilcox' WRS functions. It implements robust t-tests (independent and dependent samples), robust ANOVA (including between-within subject designs), quantile ANOVA, robust correlation, robust mediation, and nonparametric ANCOVA models based on robust location measures.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorPatrick Mair [cre, aut], Rand Wilcox [aut], Indrajeet Patil [ctb]
MaintainerPatrick Mair <mair@fas.harvard.edu>
URL https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/psychor/
Package repositoryView on R-Forge
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
install.packages("WRS2", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")

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WRS2 documentation built on March 19, 2024, 3:08 a.m.