Man pages for asuR
Advanced statistics using R

BtheBBeat the Blues Data
budwormbudworm data
cathedralMedieval cathedrals in England
colVarsColumn variances
galaSpecies diversity on the Galapagos Islands
grasshopperFemur length of grasshoppers
growthWeight Gain of two Species at different Nitrogen...
housefliesHousfly Development
inspectPlots to inspect fitted models
length-methodsLength of a pDescList-object
mancontrContrast Matrix Construction
mytreesSimulated tree data
normInspect your residuals after transformation
oringO-ring data
orthoTest a matrix of contrast coefficients for pairwise...
peaPea data
photinusSpermatophore number and its influence on fitness in Photinus...
picaNumnber of birds and presence of Pica pica from Agrovian...
plantsPlant height
schoolclassSchools and Classes
sticklebackBody size of sticklebacks from the Lake Constance.
unemploymentdata on long / short term unemployment
weightWeight Gain
asuR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:50 p.m.