Man pages for aurelhy
Hydrometeorological interpolation

aurelhyCreate an 'aurelhy' object that contains required data to...
auremaskCreate and manipulate a window of analysis for landscape...
geomatA geomat, geotm or geomask object for AURELHY
geopointsA 'geopoints' object containing one or more georeferenced...
geoshapesA 'geoshapes' object containing one or more georeferenced...
mbordA geoshapes object with a polygon of the area to analyze...
mmaskA geomask object masking the Morocco terrain model
moroccoA digital elevation model with a grid of roughly 1km x 1km of...
mpetA geopoints object with PET values measured at different...
mrainA geopoints object with normalized rain values (mm) measured...
mseadistA geomat object with distance from the sea for the morocco...
utilitiesVarious utilities functions for AURELHY
aurelhy documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:46 p.m.