gaelle: Messerli et. al. metabolomic data

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The dataset consists of replicates of 14 mustants to study metabolite pathways of genetically modified samples of Arabidopsis thaliana. Values of 43 metabolites are measured for each sample which are supposed to monitor their genetic changes. The data involve two mutants defective in starch biosynthesis, pgm and isa2; four defective in starch degradation sex1, sex4, mex1, and dpe2; a mutant for comparison that accumulates starch as a pleitropic effect, tpt; four uncharacterised mutants, deg172, deg263, ke103, and sex3; and three wild type plants, WsWT, RLDWT, and ColWT. There are four replicates of all samples except the last for which there are three




Matrix with 55 observations measured on 43 variables.


Messerli, G., Partovi Nia, V., Trevisan, M., Kolbe, A., Schauer, N., Geigen-berger, P., Chen, J., Davison, A. C., Fernie, A. R. and Zeeman, S. C. (2007) Rapid classification of phenotypic mutants of Arabidopsis via metabolite fingerprinting. Plant Physiology 143, 1481-1492.



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