Man pages for bdsmatrix
Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric matrices

as.matrix.bdsmatrixConvert a bdsmatrix to a ordinary (dense) matrix
backsolveSolve an Upper or Lower Triangular System
bdsBlockBlock diagonal matrices.
bdsISparse identity matrices
bdsmatrixCreate a sparse symmetric block diagonal matrix object
bdsmatrix-classClass "bdsmatrix"
bdsmatrix.ibdCreate a bdsmatrix from a list
bdsmatrix.reconcileEnsure alignment of two bdsmatrix objects
gcholGeneralized Cholesky decompostion
gchol.bdsmatrix-classClass "gchol.bdsmatrix"
gchol-classClass "gchol"
listbdsmatrixList out a bdsmatrix as row/col/value triplets
solve.bdsmatrixSolve a matrix equation using the generalized Cholesky...
solve.gcholSolve a matrix equation using the generalized Cholesky...
bdsmatrix documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.