Arabidopsis: Arabidopsis thaliana data set from Atwell et al. 2010...

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The ‘Arabidopsis’ data contains a binary disease-related phenotype of Arabidopsis and an incidence matrix of genotypes from a 250K SNP chip.


The ‘Arabidopsis’ data set contains a phenotype vector y and a genotype matrix Z:


Binary vector of phenotype AvrRpm1 for 84 inbred lines. See Atwell et al. 2010 Nature for details.


A 84 times 216100 matrix of genotypes of the 84 inbred lines, with two different homozygotes coded as -1 and 1. 30 SNPs in the original data set that are fixed to only one homozygotic genotype were removed.


Atwell, S., Y. S. Huang, B. J. Vilhjalmsson, G. Willems, M. Horton, et al., 2010. Genome-wide association study of 107 phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana inbred lines. Nature 465: 627-631.


Atwell, S., Y. S. Huang, B. J. Vilhjalmsson, G. Willems, M. Horton, et al., 2010. Genome-wide association study of 107 phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana inbred lines. Nature 465: 627-631.

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