Man pages for blockmodelingOld
Generalized and Classical Blockmodeling of Valued Networks

blockmodeling-packageAn R package for Generalized and classical blockmodeling of...
cluFunction for extraction of some elements for objects,...
critFunCFunctions for Generalized blockmodeling for valued networks.
find.mComputing the threshold
formatAA formating function for numbers of function values by blocks
genMatrixMultGeneralized matrix multiplication
genRandomParThe function for generating random partitions
gplot1A wrapper for funcction gplot - Two-Dimensional Visualization...
ircNormFunction for iterated row and column normalization of valued...
nkpartitionsFunctions for listing all possible partitions or just cunting...
optRandomParCOptimizes a set of partitions based on the value of a...
PajekFunctions for loading and writing Pajek files
plot.matFunctions for plotting a partitioned matrix (representing the...
randComparing partitions
REGEREGE - Algorithms for compiting (dis)similarities in terms of...
reorderImageReorders an image matrix of the blockmodel (or an error...
sedistComputes distances in terms of Structural equivalence...
ssSum of Squared deviations from the mean and sum of Absolute...
two2oneTwo-mode network conversions
blockmodelingOld documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:11 p.m.