nops_eval: Deprecated: Evaluate NOPS Exams (Uni Innsbruck)

View source: R/nops_eval.R

nops_evalR Documentation

Deprecated: Evaluate NOPS Exams (Uni Innsbruck)


Unexported legacy interface to evaluate NOPS exams produced with exams2nops, and scanned by nops_scan. Instead it is recommended to use nops_scan directly.


  register = Sys.glob("*.csv"),
  solutions = Sys.glob("*.rds"),
  scans = Sys.glob("nops_scan_*.zip"),
  points = NULL,
  eval = exams_eval(partial = FALSE, negative = 0.25),
  mark = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 0.85),
  dir = ".",
  results = "nops_eval",
  html = NULL,
  col = hcl(c(0, 0, 60, 120), c(70, 0, 70, 70), 90),
  language = "de",
  module = NULL,
  interactive = TRUE,
  string_scans = Sys.glob("nops_string_scan_*.zip"),
  string_points = seq(0, 1, 0.25)

  results = "nops_eval.csv",
  file = "exam_eval",
  dir = ".",
  language = "en",

nops_register(file = Sys.glob("*.xls*"), startid = 1L)



character. File name of a CSV file (semicolon-separated) of the registered students, e.g., as produced by nops_register based on the VIS registration lists. Must contain columns "Matrikelnr", "Name", "Account" (and "LV", in case module marks should be computed). The file name should not contain spaces, umlaut or other special characters (something like "GP-2014-02.csv" is recommended).


character. File name of the RDS exercise file produced by exams2nops.


character. File name of the ZIP file with scanning results (containing Daten.txt and PNG files) as produced by nops_scan (or the FSS).


numeric. Vector of points per exercise. By default read from solutions.


list specification of evaluation policy as computed by exams_eval.


logical or numeric. If mark = FALSE, no marks are computed. Otherwise mark needs to be a numeric vector with four threshold values to compute marks from 5 to 1. The thresholds can either be relative (all lower than 1) or absolute. In case results exactly matching a threshold, the better mark is used.


character. File path to the output directory (the default being the current working directory).


character. Prefix for output files.


character. File name for individual HTML files, by default the same as register with suffix .html.


character. Hex color codes used for exercises with negative, neutral, positive, full solution.


character. Path to a DCF file with a language specification. Currently, "en" and "de" are shipped with the package.


logical or numeric. Should module marks (in addition to the exam marks) be computed? If this is numeric, this can be a vector of two ECTS weights for the written exam and seminar, respectively (by default equal weights of 0.5 and 0.5 are used). If module is not FALSE, register needs to contain a column "LV" with the seminar marks.


logical. Should possible errors in the Daten.txt file by corrected interactively? Requires the png package for full interactivity.


character. Optional file name of the ZIP file with scanning results of string exercise sheets (if any) containing Daten2.txt and PNG files as produced by nops_scan.


numeric. Vector of length 5 with points assigned to string results.


character, by default globbing is used. Can be a file name


integer, default 1L


nops_eval is a companion function for exams2nops and nops_scan. It calls nops_eval from the exams package which evaluates the scanned exams by computing the sums of the points achived and (if desired) mapping them to marks (and to module marks). Furthermore HTML reports for each individual student are generated for upload into OpenOlat. In addition to this function from the exams package, the function adds the marks in the Uni Innsbruck-specifc format in an Excel spreadsheet.

nops_register is another companion function for preprocessing the registration lists that are provided by VIS. The function assigns random seats for every student and saves the result in both CSV and XLSX format as well as a tab-separated text file with the seat numbers for import into OLAT. The underlying workhorse function is read_vis.


A data.frame with the detailed exam results is returned invisibly. It is also written to a CSV file in the current directory, along with a ZIP file containing the HTML reports (for upload into OLAT), and an XLSX file (for importing the marks into VIS).

See Also

exams2nops, nops_scan, nops_eval, read_vis

c403 documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 3:01 p.m.