MplsStops: Minneapolis Police Department 2017 Stop Data

Description Format Details Source Examples


Results of nearly all stops made by the Minneapolis Police Department for the year 2017.


A data frame with 51857 observations on the following 14 variables.


character vector of incident identifiers


a POSIXlt date variable giving the date and time of the stop


a factor with levels suspicious for suspicious vehicle or person stops and traffic for traffic stops


a factor with levels no yes indicating if a citation was issued


a factor with levels no yes indicating if the stopped person was searched


a factor with levels no or yes indicating if a vehicle was searched


a factor with levels white, black, east african, latino, native american, asian, other, unknown for the officer's assessment of race of the person stopped before speaking with the person stopped


a factor with levels white, black, east african, latino, native american, asian, other, unknown, officer's determination of race after the incident


a factor with levels female, male, unknown, gender of person stopped


latitude of the location of the incident, somewhat rounded


latitude of the location of the incident, somewhat rounded


Minneapolis Police Precinct number


a factor with 84 levels giving the name of the Minneapolis neighborhood of the incident


a factor with levels mdc for data collected via in-vehicle computer, and other for data submitted by officers not in a vehicle, either on foot, bicycle or horseback. Several of the variables above were recorded only in-vehicle


A few stops have been deleted, either because thesu location data was missing, or a few very rare categories were also removed. The data frame MplsDemo contains 2015 demongraphic data on Minneapolis neighborhoods, using the same neighborhood names as this data file. Demographics are available for 84 of Minneaolis' 87 neighborhoods. The remaining 3 presumably have no housing.


These are public data obtained from <>. A few more fields, and more data, are available at the original source



Example output

       idNum            date                           problem     
 17-000003:    1   Min.   :2017-01-01 00:00:42   suspicious:25822  
 17-000007:    1   1st Qu.:2017-03-29 08:35:09   traffic   :26098  
 17-000073:    1   Median :2017-06-17 18:46:47                     
 17-000092:    1   Mean   :2017-06-23 19:57:49                     
 17-000098:    1   3rd Qu.:2017-09-18 18:32:06                     
 17-000111:    1   Max.   :2017-12-31 23:52:35                     
 (Other)  :51914                                                   
    MDC        citationIssued personSearch vehicleSearch
 MDC  :43699   NO  :15899     NO  :38462   NO  :40579   
 other: 8221   YES : 3211     YES : 5237   YES : 3120   
               NA's:32810     NA's: 8221   NA's: 8221   
            preRace                race           gender           lat       
 Unknown        :28337   Black       :15220   Female :10015   Min.   :44.89  
 Black          : 6805   White       :11703   Male   :27131   1st Qu.:44.95  
 White          : 6004   Unknown     : 9219   Unknown: 6492   Median :44.98  
 Native American:  908   East African: 2188   NA's   : 8282   Mean   :44.97  
 Latino         :  528   Latino      : 1858                   3rd Qu.:45.00  
 (Other)        : 1117   (Other)     : 3511                   Max.   :45.05  
 NA's           : 8221   NA's        : 8221                                  
      long        policePrecinct         neighborhood  
 Min.   :-93.33   Min.   :1.000   Downtown West: 4409  
 1st Qu.:-93.29   1st Qu.:2.000   Whittier     : 3328  
 Median :-93.28   Median :3.000   Near - North : 2256  
 Mean   :-93.27   Mean   :3.257   Lyndale      : 2154  
 3rd Qu.:-93.25   3rd Qu.:4.000   Jordan       : 2075  
 Max.   :-93.20   Max.   :5.000   Hawthorne    : 2031  
                                  (Other)      :35667  

carData documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 3:01 a.m.

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