Man pages for cmcRcode
Tools for estimating Discrete Choice models

cmc_deltamethodApplies the delta method to calculate the standard error of...
cmc_initialiseSet seed, loads packages and detach variables
cmc_makeDrawsCreates a list of matrices containing draws. One matrix per...
cmc_mlhsGenerate random draws using the Modified Latin Hypercube...
cmc_modeloutputPrints to screen the output of a model previously estimated...
cmc_ologitCalculates the probability of an ordered logit model
cmc_prepareClusterCreates cluster and loads pieces of data in each cluster
cmc_prepareDataOrders data by respondent and prepares a data set to be used...
cmc_runmodelEstimate model
cmc_runmodelGenEstimate model using genetic algorithm rgenoud
cmc_saveoutputEstimates model
cmc_searchInitialThetaSearch for better starting values by taking random pints...
cmc_speedTestRuns the cmc_probablities function several times on different...
cmc_validatecontrolValidates the cmc_control list of estimation parameters. Sets...
writeBetaWrites the vector [beta,ll] to a file called...
writeF12Writes an F12 file with the results of a model estimation.
cmcRcode documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:50 p.m.