modifyModel-methods: Methods for function modifyModel in Package 'distrMod'

modifyModel-methodsR Documentation

Methods for function modifyModel in Package ‘distrMod’


Methods for function modifyModel in package distrMod; modifyModel moves a model from one parameter value to another.


modifyModel(model, param,...)
## S4 method for signature 'ParamFamily,ParamFamParameter'
                       .withCall = TRUE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'L2ParamFamily,ParamFamParameter'
                       .withCall = TRUE, .withL2derivDistr = TRUE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'L2LocationFamily,ParamFamParameter'
modifyModel(model,param, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'L2ScaleFamily,ParamFamParameter'
modifyModel(model,param, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'L2LocationScaleFamily,ParamFamParameter'
                       param, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'GammaFamily,ParamFamParameter'
modifyModel(model,param, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'ExpScaleFamily,ParamFamParameter'
modifyModel(model,param, ...)



an object of class ParamFamily — the model to move.


an object of class ParamFamParameter — the parameter to move to.


logical: shall slot be updated?


logical: shall slot L2derivDistr be updated or just the call to do the updated be stored?


additional argument(s) for methods; not used so far


modifyModel is merely used internally for moving the model along modified parameter values during a model fit.

It generally simply copies the original model and only modifies the affected slots, i.e. distribution, the distribution of the observations, param, the parameter, L2deriv, the L2-derivative at the parameter, L2FisherInfo, the Fisher information at the parameter, the symmetry slots distrSymm, L2derivSymm, and L2derivDistrSymm, and, finally, L2derivDistr the (marginal) distribution(s) of the L2derivative. By default, also slot is updated.

In case model is of class L2LocationFamily, L2ScaleFamily, or L2LocationScaleFamily, symmetry slots are updated to be centered about the median of the (central) distribution (assuming the latter is symmetric about the median); as an intermediate step, these methods call the general modifyModel-method for signature L2ParamFamily; in this call, however, slot is not updated (this is the reason for argument .withCall); this is then done in the individual parts of the corresponding method.


a corresponding instance of the model in argument model with moved parameters.

distrMod documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 3 a.m.