RainAxams: Observations and covariates for station Axams

Description Usage Format Details References Examples


Observations of precipitation sums and weather forecasts of a set of meteorological quantities from an ensemble prediction system for one specific site. This site is Axams located in the Eastern European Alps (11.28E 47.23N, 890 meters a.m.s.l.).




A data.frame consisting of the station's name, observation day and year, power transformed observations of daily precipitation sums and the corresponding meteorological ensemble predictions for station Axams. The base variables of the numerical ensemble predictions are listed below. For each of them variations such as ensemble mean/standard deviation/minimum/maximum are included in the dataset. All “power transformed” values use the same power parameter p=1/1.6.


character. Name of the observation station.


numeric. Observed total precipitation (power transformed).


integer. Year in which the observation was taken.


integer. Day for which the observation was taken.

tppow_mean, tppow_sprd, tppow_min, tppow_max, tppow_mean0612, tppow_mean1218, tppow_mean1824, tppow_mean2430, ppow_sprd0612, tppow_sprd1218, tppow_sprd1824, tppow_sprd2430

numeric. Predicted total precipitation (power transformed).

capepow_mean, capepow_sprd, capepow_min, capepow_max, capepow_mean0612, capepow_mean1218, capepow_mean1224, capepow_mean1230, capepow_sprd0612, capepow_sprd1218, capepow_sprd1224, capepow_sprd1230

numeric. Predicted convective available potential energy (power transformed).

dswrf_mean_mean, dswrf_mean_min, dswrf_mean_max, dswrf_sprd_mean, dswrf_sprd_min, dswrf_sprd_max

numeric. Predicted downwards shortwave radiation flux (“sunshine”).

msl_diff, msl_mean_mean, msl_mean_min, msl_mean_max, msl_sprd_mean, msl_sprd_min, msl_sprd_max

numeric. Predicted mean sea level pressure.

pwat_mean_mean, pwat_mean_min, pwat_mean_max, pwat_sprd_mean, pwat_sprd_min, pwat_sprd_max

numeric. Predicted precipitable water.

tcolc_mean_mean, tcolc_mean_min, tcolc_mean_max, tcolc_sprd_mean, tcolc_sprd_min, tcolc_sprd_max

numeric. Predicted total column-integrated condensate.

tmax_mean_mean, tmax_mean_min, tmax_mean_max, tmax_sprd_mean, tmax_sprd_min, tmax_sprd_max

numeric. Predicted 2m maximum temperature.

t500_mean_mean, t500_mean_min, t500_mean_max, t500_sprd_mean, t500_sprd_min, t500_sprd_max

numeric. Predicted temperature on 500 hPa.

t700_mean_mean, t700_mean_min, t700_mean_max, t700_sprd_mean, t700_sprd_min, t700_sprd_max

numeric. Predicted temperature on 700 hPa.

t850_mean_mean, t850_mean_min, t850_mean_max, t850_sprd_mean, t850_sprd_min, t850_sprd_max

numeric. Predicted temperature on 850 hPa.

tdiff500850_mean, tdiff500850_min, tdiff500850_max

numeric. Predicted temperature difference 500 hPa to 850 hPa.

tdiff700850_mean, tdiff700850_min, tdiff700850_max

numeric. Predicted temperature difference 700 hPa to 850 hPa.

tdiff500700_mean, tdiff500700_min, tdiff500700_max

numeric. Predicted temperature difference 500 hPa to 700 hPa.


The site is maintained by the hydrographical service Tyrol and provides daily precipitation sums reported at 06~UTC. Before published, the observations have been quality-controlled by the maintainer.

The forecast data is based on the second-generation global ensemble reforecast dataset and consists of range of different meteorological quantities for day one (forecast horizon +6 to +30 hours ahead). The forecasts have been bi-linearly interpolated to the station location.


Hamill T M, Bates G T, Whitaker J S, Murray D R, Fiorino M, Galarneau Jr. T J, Zhu Y, Lapenta W (2013). NOAA's Second-Generation Global Medium-Range Ensemble Reforecast Dataset. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94(10), 1553–1565. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00014.1

BMLFUW (2016). Bundesministerium f\"ur Land und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (BMLFUW), Abteilung IV/4 – Wasserhaushalt. Available at http://ehyd.gv.at. Accessed: 2016–02–29.



disttree documentation built on Aug. 14, 2019, 3 a.m.

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