get.equ: Reads equivalence table created in Conquest analysis.

Description Usage Arguments Value References


Reads Conquest files comprising equivalence tables for MLE or WLE parameters.





Character string of the Conquest equ-file.


A list of n+1 elements, with n the number of dimensions in the analysis. Each element is a data.frame, whose name correponds to the name of the dimension the values belongs to. All data.frames except the last one give the transformation of each possible raw score to the WLE or MLE score including it's standard error. First column in each data.frame contains the raw score, second column the transformed WLE or MLE score, third columns it's standard error.

The last element of the list give some sparse information about the model specifications.


See Conquest manual, pp.162.

eatRest documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:25 p.m.

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