
Defines functions egg.tri

egg.tri = function(egg, N) {

  # Returns the triangulated model of a sphere using the
  # icosaedron subdivision method.
  # N indicates the number of subdivisions,

  # require("Matrix", quietly=TRUE)
  # a = egg$a
  # b = egg$b
  # c = egg$c
  # h = egg$length
  # # Get the twelve vertices of icosahedron on unit sphere
  # t0 = (1 + sqrt(5))/2
  # tau = t0/sqrt(1 + t0^2)
  # one = 1/sqrt(1 + t0^2)
  # p = rbind(
  #   c( tau,  one,  0),
  #   c(-tau,  one,  0),
  #   c(-tau, -one,  0),
  #   c( tau, -one,  0),
  #   c( one,  0,    tau),
  #   c( one,  0,   -tau),
  #   c(-one,  0,   -tau),
  #   c(-one,  0,    tau),
  #   c( 0,    tau,  one),
  #   c( 0,   -tau,  one),
  #   c( 0,   -tau, -one),
  #   c( 0,    tau, -one)
  # )
  # t = rbind(
  #   c(5,  8,  9),
  #   c(5, 10,  8),
  #   c(6, 12,  7),
  #   c(6,  7, 11),
  #   c(1,  4,  5),
  #   c(1,  6,  4),
  #   c(3,  2,  8),
  #   c(3,  7,  2),
  #   c(9, 12,  1),
  #   c(9,  2, 12),
  #   c(10,  4, 11),
  #   c(10, 11,  3),
  #   c(9,  1,  5),
  #   c(12,  6,  1),
  #   c(5,  4, 10),
  #   c(6, 11,  4),
  #   c(8,  2,  9),
  #   c(7, 12,  2),
  #   c(8, 10,  3),
  #   c(7,  3, 11)
  # )
  # if(N > 0) {
  #   nt = nrow(t)
  #   np = nrow(p)
  #   totp = np
  #   for(ii in 1:N) {
  #     totp = 4*totp - 6
  #   }
  #   p = rbind(p, matrix(0, nrow=totp-12, ncol=3))
  #   # Refine the icosahedron N times
  #   for(i in 1:N) {
  #     told = t
  #     t = matrix(0, nrow=nt*4, ncol=3)
  #     peMap = Matrix(0, nrow=np, ncol=np, sparse=TRUE)
  #     ct = 1
  #     # Loop trough all old triangles
  #     for(j in 1:nt) {
  #       p1 = told[j,1]; p2 = told[j,2]; p3 = told[j,3]
  #       x1 = p[p1,1]; x2 = p[p2,1]; x3 = p[p3,1]
  #       y1 = p[p1,2]; y2 = p[p2,2]; y3 = p[p3,2]
  #       z1 = p[p1,3]; z2 = p[p2,3]; z3 = p[p3,3]
  #       # First edge
  #       # Preserve triangle orientation
  #       if(p1 < p2) {
  #         p1m = p1
  #         p2m = p2
  #       } else {
  #         p2m = p1
  #         p1m = p2
  #       }
  #       # If the point does not exist yet, calculate the new point
  #       p4 = peMap[p1m,p2m]
  #       if(p4 == 0) {
  #         np = np + 1
  #         p4 = np
  #         peMap[p1m,p2m] = np
  #         p[np,1] = (x1 + x2)/2
  #         p[np,2] = (y1 + y2)/2
  #         p[np,3] = (z1 + z2)/2
  #       }
  #       # Second edge
  #       if(p2 < p3) {
  #         p2m = p2
  #         p3m = p3
  #       } else {
  #         p2m = p3
  #         p3m = p2
  #       }
  #       p5 = peMap[p2m,p3m]
  #       if(p5 == 0) {
  #         np = np + 1
  #         p5 = np
  #         peMap[p2m,p3m] = np
  #         p[np,1] = (x2 + x3)/2
  #         p[np,2] = (y2 + y3)/2
  #         p[np,3] = (z2 + z3)/2
  #       }
  #       # Third edge
  #       if(p1 < p3) {
  #         p1m = p1
  #         p3m = p3
  #       } else {
  #         p3m = p1
  #         p1m = p3
  #       }
  #       p6 = peMap[p1m,p3m]
  #       if(p6 == 0) {
  #         np = np + 1
  #         p6 = np
  #         peMap[p1m,p3m] = np
  #         p[np,1] = (x1 + x3)/2
  #         p[np,2] = (y1 + y3)/2
  #         p[np,3] = (z1 + z3)/2
  #       }
  #       # Allocate new triangles
  #       t[ct,1] = p1; t[ct,2] = p4; t[ct,3] = p6; ct = ct + 1
  #       t[ct,1] = p4; t[ct,2] = p5; t[ct,3] = p6; ct = ct + 1
  #       t[ct,1] = p4; t[ct,2] = p2; t[ct,3] = p5; ct = ct + 1
  #       t[ct,1] = p6; t[ct,2] = p5; t[ct,3] = p3; ct = ct + 1
  #     }
  #     # Update the number of triangles
  #     nt = ct - 1
  #   }
  # }
  # # Normalize all points
  # for(i in 1:nrow(p)) {
  #   p[i,] = norm(p[i,])
  #   z.hat = normalise(p[i,3], -1, 1, 0, 1)
  #   p[i,1:2] = norm(p[i,1:2])*get.d(z.hat, a, b, c)
  #   p[i,3] = normalise(z.hat, 0, 1, -(h/2), (h/2))
  # }
  # p[is.nan(p)] = 0
  # out = list(t=t, p=p)
  # class(out) = "egg.mesh"
  # return (out)
  stop("This function will be made available in a future release.")

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egg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 p.m.